United States or Heard Island and McDonald Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The success of the Committee is no doubt mainly due to the wisdom which they have displayed in the selection of the staff. In the most important post, that of Secretary, they have kept on my chief fellow-worker in the early struggle, Mr.

She is not the woman for whose bedazzlement I must advertise the value of my goods by sweating sonnets to her, or shivering serenades at her, or perpetuating follies for her. In short, she is not anything to me that the woman of conventional love is to the man. And again, what is she to me? She is my other self, as it were, my good comrade, and fellow-worker and joy-sharer.

I am enclosing recent translations of the prophetic and most remarkable words of Bahá’u’lláh and ‘Abdu’l-Bahá which I trust you will all find of great value and interest in the great work you are doing for the Cause. May this great project yield an abundant harvest for the Cause, and your efforts be richly blessed by the guiding Spirit of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. Your fellow-worker, SHOGHI.

Meantime Thomas's fervid account of the needs of India had made the infant Society propose to send him out with one colleague; and William Carey, now thirty-three years of age, offered himself as a fellow-worker. The notion was terrible to Mrs. Carey, who flatly refused to go; but her husband decided on leaving her at home, and only taking his eldest boy, then about ten or eleven years old.

But within she was feeling the strangest, the most exhilarating thrills.... Oh, the clearness of being a fellow-worker; of praise that had nothing to do with a candidacy for matrimony!... "But the difficulty," she said, "is to persuade papa to let me do it. Of course, I've no right to expect him to take me seriously.... I know you could persuade him."

Courtland worked the harder these days. He tried to plunge into the work and forget self, and to a certain extent was successful. He found plenty of distress and sorrow to stand in contrast with his own; and his hands and heart were presently full to overflowing. Like the faithful fellow-worker that he was, Pat stuck by him.

"Bare power and tenderness, and such sadly human weakness" that is the verdict of one who well knew him. I cannot claim to have known him well myself; but it is an honour to be permitted to add a memorial stone to the lonely cairn of a fellow-worker for humanity.

The strike, by the way, brought me into contact with more than one man who was afterward a valued friend and fellow-worker. On the suggestion of Carroll Wright I appointed as assistant recorders to the Commission Charles P. Neill, whom I afterward made Labor Commissioner, to succeed Wright himself, and Mr. Edward A. Moseley.

I am enclosing a preliminary list of Bahá’í centers throughout the world, exclusive of Persia, which, though inadequate, may still, I trust, be of some help to you. I wish to assure you, in conclusion, of my heartfelt appreciation of your devoted labors in the Divine Vineyard. Your brother and fellow-worker, SHOGHI. Haifa, Palestine, May 12, 1925. Letter of June 3rd, 1925.

The man of GOD will also delight to trace GOD in the Word as the great Worker, and rejoice in the privilege of being a fellow-worker with Him a glad, voluntary agent in doing the will of GOD, yet rejoicing in the grace that has made him willing, and in the mighty, divine power that works through him.