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To my surprise, I found that the door could not be opened; and then one of my fellow-lodgers, who had been observing my movements, exclaimed: "Are you going to leave us, my lad? Then leave us your card, or a lock of your hair to remember you by." "Will you be kind enough to tell me what place this is?" said I. The man laughed loudly, as he replied "Why, don't you know?

We spent the next five days in company with these strange fellow-lodgers, and more than once it gave me an uncanny feeling to turn in the midst of Mr. Fett's prattle and, catching the eye of Marc'antonio or Stephanu as they sat and listened with absolute gravity, to reflect on the desperate business we were here to do. We went about the city openly, no man suspecting us.

I would not have one iota taken from the justice the deadly and dooming weight of my dying curse." Here violent spasms broke on the speech of the sufferer; and when, by medicine and his daughter's attentions, he had recovered, he said, in a lower and calmer key: "Is all quiet below, Constance? Are all in bed? The landlady the servants our fellow-lodgers?" "All, my father."

"A man is very happy if he finds clean straw to sleep on, without expecting sheets or coverings; let him readily dispense with plates, forks and napkins, if he can get anything to eat.... He must be content to have the cows, swine and poultry for his fellow-lodgers, and to go in at the same passage that the smoke comes out at, for there's no other vent for it but the door; which makes foreigners commonly say that the people of Westphalia enter their houses by the chimney."

He had often injured himself in these struggles, and had often attacked his father, his wife, sister, fellow-lodgers, and while confined in jail he attacked one of his fellow-prisoners. His eyes would always be wide open and staring; he was always able to avoid pieces of furniture which were in his way, and he occasionally threw them at his visionary enemies.

Gannett, early that morning, had gone off on a long walk he had fallen into the habit of taking these mountain-tramps with various fellow-lodgers; but even had he been within reach she could not have gone to him just then. She had to deal with herself first. She was surprised to find how, in the last months, she had lost the habit of introspection.

Although not having mastered yet the German language, he exercised a marked attraction by a conversation sparkling with wit, humor, and originality. In autumn of 1833, having both of us migrated from Gottingen to Berlin for the prosecution of our studies, we became fellow-lodgers in the house No. 161 Friedrich Strasse. There we lived in the closest intimacy, sharing meals and outdoor exercise.

Both the Duchess and the Countess were his kinswomen. How could such a ménage last? He lost his all. What became of our fellow-lodgers I never learned, but the venture coming to naught, the last I heard of the beautiful high-bred lady manager, she was serving as a stewardess on an ocean liner.

Jolter, attended by the lacquey, took a turn round the ramparts, and viewed the particulars of the fortification. Tom was so very successful in his inquiry, that when his master returned he was able to give him a very satisfactory account of his fellow-lodgers, in consequence of having treated his brother with a bottle of wine.

She no sooner entered the passage, than she found her fellow-lodgers already assembled on the same occasion; and there they remained during the best part of the night, transported by the harmony which our hero produced.