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Again the pale lips moved, All else was still and motionless, for Death Already had his fatal work half done; But gathering up his quickly failing strength, The dying soldier dying victor said: 'Hush! for the angels call the muster roll! I wait to hear my name! They spoke no more.

A hansom cab rattled down the High Street; Hilary strained his ears after the failing clatter of hoofs and bell. They died; there was silence. Creeping nearer, drumming, throbbing, he heard again the beating of that vast heart. It grew and grew. His own heart began thumping.

Let us have the next one here." "I am sure," said Marie, "I would gladly welcome such a conference at any time. I think such meetings would be so helpful to our young people." "Doctor," said Iola, as they walked home from the conversazione, "I wish I could do something more for our people than I am doing. I taught in the South till failing health compelled me to change my employment.

Will not His now doubly effective power of Grace sustain us, strengthen us and confirm us in our work for Him? Ours is the duty to strive by day and night to fulfill our own obligations and then trust in His Guidance and never failing Grace.

Only one passenger: the gods knew best. And great and weary Charon rowed on and on beside the little, silent, shivering ghost. And the sound of the river was like a mighty sigh that Grief in the beginning had sighed among her sisters, and that could not die like the echoes of human sorrow failing on earthly hills, but was as old as time and the pain in Charon's arms.

Regnier's corps, which covered the position, was beaten with heavy loss but, owing to the combinations which would have cut Massena off from Ciudad Rodrigo failing, from some of the columns going altogether astray in a thick fog, Massena gained that town with his army.

As he is forced to remain away from his beloved country, the great writer has made his home in the little island of Capri, the air of which is propitious to his failing health. Moreover, its impressive scenery inspires his restless genius.

The housekeeper spoke of him affectionately, but says that he is now getting into years, and that they fancy him failing. He has no children.

The monarch, induced by his interests as king, his affections and his conscience, to reject such a course of policy, will pass for an accomplice of the counter-revolution, because he will appear to protect it. The revolutionists will then seek to gain over the king by intimidation, and failing in this, will overthrow his authority." Such was the history of the legislative assembly.

Failing in this last attempt the Peloponnesians left a portion of their forces on the spot, dismissing the rest, and built a wall of circumvallation round the town, dividing the ground among the various cities present; a ditch being made within and without the lines, from which they got their bricks.