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In school there is ever such a continuous fusillade of questions and answers, assigning of lessons, recitations, corrections, explanations, and promulgations, rules and restrictions that the children have no time for growing inside.

"The comedy" is Bulwer-Lytton's Not so Bad as we Seem, acted by Dickens and other amateurs for charity at Devonshire House seventy years ago, and about to be reproduced in loco as these proofs are being revised. There are some people who, while thinking that the author of Westward Ho! has not, at least recently, been given his due rank in critical estimation, admit certain explanations of this.

Amilcare, growing tense between his difficulties, felt that explanations must be given and received, felt also that they must come from himself in fact, Grifone had declined them and felt that he was not strong in such work. Direction he could give, but not explanation. However, he must try.

Pamphlets and books on Marx, on the war, and particularly on certain phases of the revolution, on different aspects of economic reconstruction, simply written explanations of laws or policies vanish almost as soon as they are put on the stalls. The reading of this kind has been something prodigious during the revolution. A great deal of poetry is read, and much is written.

By the time mutual explanations had been made Hazel knew that Lord Tennington's yacht had put in at Cape Town for at least a week's stay, and at the end of that time was to continue on her voyage this time up the West Coast and so back to England. "Where," concluded Jane, "I am to be married." "Then you are not married yet?" asked Hazel.

"Well, all I can say is, that I shall certainly decline to dance with any gentleman who demeans himself by taking one of those brown wretches for a partner." Here was a terrible to-do. Expostulations, explanations, entreaties, all alike failed to move Miss Cityswell's determination. The matter began to assume a darker complexion as we thought it over.

There can be little doubt that the deterioration in the class of plays produced at our theatres has been brought about by changes in our social conditions. The perniciousstarsystem, the difficulty of keeping stock companies together, the rarity of histrionic ability among Americans are explanations which have at different times been offered to account for these phenomena.

The Apology of Socrates, which was composed by his most brilliant pupil, Plato the philosopher, reproduces the general tenor of his defence. It is clear that he was not able to meet satisfactorily the charge that he did not acknowledge the gods worshipped by the city, and his explanations on this point are the weak part of his speech.

When he attended the roup at Pitfoodles a day of historical prices and purchased in open competition, at three times its value, a small stack ladder, Kilbogie was convulsed, and Mains had to offer explanations.

But also it is not an unnatural thing. It is not as common as a rat, but it is no less natural than a panther. "For it is as natural to be an explorer as it is to be a potato grower, it is rarer but it is as natural; it is as natural to seek explanations and arrange facts as it is to make love, or adorn a hut, or show kindness to a child.