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Being in the ship, he could not turn off his eyes from the stately town of Meaco; and, as Fernandez tells us, often sung the beginning of the 113th Psalm, In exitu Israel de Ægypto, domus Jacob de populo Barbaro, &c. whether he considered himself as an Israelite departing out of a land of infidels by the command of God, or that he looked on that barbarous people, as one day destined to be the people of God.

During the reading of the service John had been kneeling. The Father motioned to him to rise, and proceeded to remove the cord with which he had bound him at his consecration. When this was done, he signalled to Brother Andrew to take off the cassock. The bell was tolled. The Father dropped on his knees. The brothers, hoarse and husky, began to sing In exitu Israel de Aegypto.

The profound solitude of the place made him fear that he might not meet any one who could direct him, when the sound of a psalm vigorously chanted reached his ears from the distance. Soon it became more distinct, and he recognized the words, 'In exitu Israel de Egypto', sung at the top of the lungs by a voice so shrill that it would have irritated the larynx of any of the sopranos at the Opera.

He was ambling down the Via Leoni with Brother Patricio of the Capuchins on one arm and Brother Martino of the Dominicans on the other, singing "In Exitu Israel" like a choir-boy. But the prior, who had half believed before, was sobbing his contrition into the pavement, and Fra Battista was losing faith in himself, the only faith he had.

Her early compositions took the form of songs, but when only eleven she conducted a quickstep of her own, played at Versailles by an artillery band. Her really great works, however, did not appear until many years later. Her first opera, "Hero et Leandre," was successfully produced in 1874, and the psalm, "In Exitu," appeared at about the same time.

STEPHEN: With what intonation secreto of what commemorative psalm? The 113th, modus peregrinus: In exitu Israel de Egypto: domus Jacob de populo barbaro. What did each do at the door of egress? Bloom set the candlestick on the floor. Stephen put the hat on his head. For what creature was the door of egress a door of ingress? For a cat.

Then the apostles took her up reverently and placed her upon a bier, and John, carrying the celestial palm, went before. Peter sung the 114th Psalm, "In exitu Israel de Egypto, domus Jacob de populo barbaro," and the angels followed after, also singing.

The official condemnation is contained in two documents the decree of the Holy Inquisition, 'Lamentabili sane exitu, July 3, 1907, and the Encyclical, 'Pascendi dominici gregis, September 8, 1907. These pronouncements are intended for Catholics; and their tone is that of authoritative denunciation rather than of argument.

The profound solitude of the place made him fear that he might not meet any one who could direct him, when the sound of a psalm vigorously chanted reached his ears from the distance. Soon it became more distinct, and he recognized the words, 'In exitu Israel de Egypto', sung at the top of the lungs by a voice so shrill that it would have irritated the larynx of any of the sopranos at the Opera.

The profound solitude of the place made him fear that he might not meet any one who could direct him, when the sound of a psalm vigorously chanted reached his ears from the distance. Soon it became more distinct, and he recognized the words, 'In exitu Israel de Egypto', sung at the top of the lungs by a voice so shrill that it would have irritated the larynx of any of the sopranos at the Opera.