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At one time it was believed that the injurious effects resulting from the breathing of air charged with gases and moisture from the expired air and the animal's surroundings, were due to a deficiency in oxygen. It is now believed that the ill-effects are mainly due to the stagnation of air, the humid atmosphere, and the irritating gases emanating from the body excretions.

Five-tenths or one-half appeared to be the extreme loss of weight in inanition which the body could endure without death resulting. In addition to the loss of weight the temperature fell rapidly, the action of the heart was lessened, the number and depth of the respirations was diminished, and the excretions gradually became smaller in amount.

Their "prima materia" was called by the name of many of the secretions or excretions of the body. A whole school the Seminalists adhered to the view that the great original substance was semen. Other thought it was hermaphroditic. Paraceleus spoke of the birth of monsters as a result of sodomy. A natural history written three centuries ago tells of semen being carried by wind.

The first are usually called true secretions, or secretions proper, while the second are called excretions. *Excretory Work of Glands.*—The process of removing wastes from the body is called excretion. While in theory excretion may be regarded as a distinct physiological act, it is, in fact, leaving out the work of the lungs, but a phase of the work of glands.

He was left supposedly mortally wounded on the field, but was eventually picked up, and before receiving any treatment hauled 164 miles, over mountainous roads in the midst of winter and in a wagon without springs. His urine and excretions passed out through the wounds for several weeks and several pieces of bone came away.

If life were air, it also, when the animal died, would mingle with the great ocean of air outside. If one of those elements disappear, the union of the other four becomes dissolved. The element of water drieth up if food be not taken. The element of air disappears if the breath be restrained. The element of space disappears if the excretions cease.

Germs which multiply in such persons are found in their urine and excretions from the bowels; in discharges from ulcers and abscesses; in the spit or particles coughed or sneezed into the air; in the perspiration or scales from the skin; and in the blood sucked up by biting insects.

Natural selection will produce nothing in one species for the exclusive good or injury of another; though it may well produce parts, organs, and excretions highly useful or even indispensable, or highly injurious to another species, but in all cases at the same time useful to the owner.

The conduct of the Wharton-Van Ness trial would have been far different if the expert testimony had been what it ought to have been. If the excretions of Mr. Van Ness had been put in the hands of a properly-qualified chemist, by finding the metal antimony or by proving its absence he would at once have settled the case. As it is, there is no proper evidence of the guilt of Mrs. Wharton.

Science can slow down almost to a standstill the vital processes so that excretions disappear and respiration and heart-beat are almost nil. "What the Indian fakir does in a cataleptic condition may be duplicated. It is not incredible that they may possess some vegetable extract by which they perform their as yet unexplained feats of prolonged living burial.