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After a solemn Adoration of the ineffable Creator, each took his Place; having finish'd our Meal, at which a strict Silence was observed, Abrahijo took me by the Hand, and led me into a neighbouring Field, the Beauty of which far excell'd that of the most labour'd and artificial Garden among us.

It may be objected to the poet's gallantry that he remarks How beauty is excell'd by manly grace, And wisdom, which alone is truly fair; let it be remembered that the observation proceeds from the lips of Eve herself, and thus adds to her other graces, the crowning grace of humility. But it is high time that I should proceed from my criticism to myself.

"True," replied Charlotte, "but you do not feel what I do." She then bade her good night: but sleep was a stranger to her eyes, and the tear of anguish watered her pillow. Nature's last, best gift: Creature in whom excell'd, whatever could To sight or thought be nam'd! Holy, divine! good, amiable, and sweet! How thou art fall'n!

It is a Rule with a Friend of mine, that all Water which will mix with Soap is fit for Brewing, and he will by no means allow of any other; and I have more than once experienc'd, that where the same Quantity of Malt has been used to a Barrel of River Water, and the same to a Barrel of Spring Water, the River Water Brewing has excell'd the other in Strength above five degrees in twelve Months, as I prov'd by a small Glass-Tube with a Seal, and was much preferable to the Taste, I must observe too, that the Malt was not only in Quantity the same for one Barrel as for another, but was the same in Quality, having been all measur'd from the same Heap; so also the Hops were the same both in Quality and Quantity, and the Time of boiling, and both work'd in the same manner, and tunn'd and kept in the same Cellar.

In the City of Ferara, 'tis reported, there some time since liv'd two Damsels who were of reputable Descent, and their Education was equal to that of the greatest Quality in the Territories of Italy; the Name of one of them was Theodora, and of the other Amaryllis: Theodora was the Daughter of an eminent Courtier, and in her Person most beautiful; her Shape was form'd according to the nicest Rules of Symetry; her Waste was slender, her Breasts were full and round, and for Whiteness equall'd the falling Snow; her Face was exactly compos'd, the Features strong and yet beautiful; her Cheeks more lively than the Rose and Lilly; her Eyes sparkled beyond the most shining Planets; her Teeth excell'd the best polish'd Ivory; soft as Velvet were her Lips, and redder than Vermillion; her Hand and Arm more white than Milk; her Feet small, and her Gate stately, and on her Shoulders were display'd her auborn Tresses, hanging in Ringlets to her Waste; in short, every Part that was visible invited to hidden Charms; her Looks were languishing, and her Eye-Balls large, which, perpetually rowling, cast a thousand Darts at all Beholders.

The Fame of Penly October Beer is at this time well known not only throughout Hertfordshire, but several other remote Places, and truly not without desert, for in all my Travels I never met with any that excell'd it, for a clear amber Colour, a fine relish, and a light warm digestion.

But what excell'd all was the generosity of its Donor, who for Hospitality in his Viands and this October Beer, has left but few of his Fellows.

We generally indeed exclaim against the Cruelties of the Roman Church exercis'd over Men, on account or pretence of Religion: And it is true, that they have excell'd herein; yet all Parties among us, proportionally to the extent of their Power, have practis'd the same thing; and the Best, when restrain'd from it by the Civil Magistrate, make it evidently appear, that they bear that restraint uneasily.