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He says to hisself, says he, 'ere's a young chap what I likes with his first great chance in front of him, with the eyes of the country sot on him now if I comes in and smashes him, as I can't help myself from doing, it'll be all u-p with that young chap's glorious career.

"And 'ere's just a flick for the toff to be going on with!" He delivered a sudden blow at Sir Timothy a full, vicious, jabbing blow which had laid many a man of the neighbourhood in the gutter. To his amazement, the chin at which he had aimed seemed to have mysteriously disappeared. Sir Timothy himself was standing about half-a-yard further away.

They have barely passed the portals, when they set up their morning cry, in a shrill, sharp tone, "'Ere's your ''Erald, 'Mornin' Times, 'Buy a Tribune?" etc. In the afternoon, they scream into your ears the names of the "News," "Mail," "Express," "Telegram," "Post," and other evening journals, flavoring their announcements with shouts such as these: "'Nuther murder!" "Tremendous sensation!"

Occasionally, to vary the monotony, some joke would be passed around, and once a man who was above called out to those below, imitating the English pronunciation: "I say, Jim, come 'hup 'ere! 'ere's some of Macready's hangels 'haint they sweet 'uns?"

"Ruey," said Miss Roxy, in a more composed voice, while her hard, bony hands still trembled with excitement, "this 'ere's been on my mind a good while. I hain't said nothin' to nobody, but I've seen it a-comin'. I always thought that child wa'n't for a long life.

David had the feeling that they hated each other and were ready to hurl things at the slightest provocation, such as the passing of the time of day. A half-grown boy placed a huge tin cup full of steaming coffee on to the table and said in a husky, consumptive voice: "'Ere's your slop, kid."

Then Ketury shook her stick up chimbley, and called, 'Come down, come down! And there came down a pair o' arms, and went on each side o' the body; and there stood a man all finished, only there wa'n't no head on him. "'Wal, Ketury, says Cap'n Eb, 'this 'ere's getting serious. I 'spec' you must finish him up, and let's see what he wants of us.

"Ten to one." "Right, 'ere's my bob." The other porters gave their shillings; Watkins slid them back into his pocket, and called to Joey to book the bet. "And, now, what is yours, Mr. Latch?" William stated the various items.

On the ferry-boat Philip bought an evening paper from a boy crying "'Ere's the Evening Gram, all about the murder," and with breathless haste ran his eyes over the following: SHOCKING MURDER!!!

Feeling in the depth of her shawl she produced a capacious flask and a bundle of cigars. "'Ere, boys," she said, "let's talk 'am and heggs. 'Ere's a drop of the best and five bob's worth of chimney afire, stun me mother if there ain't. I'm sick of talkin' and so's 'the Panerawma. Light up yer sherbooks and think as you're in Buckingem Peliss. There ain't no 'arm thinkin' anyways."