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"Well, lemons are very good, and will be effective if you tackle them twenty-four hours or more before beginning the voyage. I have a bottle of acid phosphate in my room, and a teaspoonful in half a glass of water soon equips one in such a manner that he can resist the effects of the motion of the ship." "Oh, my! will you give me a drink of it?

"Most young spriggins I take into MY business," said Lightener, "think a whole day's experience equips them to take hold and make the whole thing over.... They can show me where I'm all wrong." Bonbright smiled, not happily. He was not accustomed to this sort of humor, and did not know how to respond to it. "It was so big," he said.

What pool soever holds thy source, who pitiest our discomforts, from whatsoever soil thou dost spring excellent in beauty, ever shall my worship, ever my gifts frequent thee, the hornèd river lord of Hesperian waters. Ah, be thou only by me, and graciously confirm thy will. So speaks he, and chooses two galleys from his fleet, and mans them with rowers, and withal equips a crew with arms.

Compound it how she will, star, sand, fire, water, tree, man, it is still one stuff, and betrays the same properties. Nature is always consistent, though she feigns to contravene her own laws. She keeps her laws, and seems to transcend them. She arms and equips an animal to find its place and living in the earth, and at the same time she arms and equips another animal to destroy it.

So soon as her husband has gone, Caroline, who had not omitted, the previous evening, to write to Ferdinand to come to breakfast with her, equips herself in a costume which, in that charming eighteenth century so calumniated by republicans, humanitarians and idiots, women of quality called their fighting-dress. Caroline has taken care of everything.

These he equips with new names, and thus we have those terrific nomenclatures which are enough to frighten the medical student, to say nothing of the sufferers staggering under this long catalogue of local infirmities.

The second misapprehension that lends plausibility to the excuses of art is the assumption that the moralist is proposing to substitute his canons for those of art. Now it is entirely true that moral insight in no way equips one for connoisseurship. There is a special aptitude and training that enables one to discriminate in such matters. But the moralist is judging art on moral grounds.

Captain Morgan resolving to attack and plunder the city of Puerto Bello, equips a fleet, and with little expense and small forces takes it. SOME may think that the French having deserted Captain Morgan, the English alone could not have sufficient courage to attempt such great actions as before.

Simply, as the judge remarked at the trial, the apprenticeship of a dozen years that equips a man to cope successfully with all the obstacles in life." "But your face? Your eyes?" "You can understand that if I worked eighteen months with Doctor Altier at the Saint-Louis hospital, it was not out of love for the work.

Horses besides he brings, and grooms . . . fills up the tale of our oarsmen, and equips my crews with arms. 'Meanwhile Anchises bade the fleet set their sails, that the fair wind might meet no delay.