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Satiated with months of green fields as she was, the first row of artisans' villas on the outskirts of London seemed to have something serious about it, which positively increased the importance of every person in the railway carriage, and even, to her impressionable mind, quickened the speed of the train and gave a note of stern authority to the shriek of the engine-whistle.

Once round the corner and out of sight of the duellist's house, he broke into a limping run, which was accelerated by the sound of an engine-whistle from the station.

Gradually her nerves began to be wound up to an extreme tension of excitement she forgot all her troubles in listening with painful intentness to the rush and roar of the train through the darkness. The lights of passing stations and signal-posts gleamed like scattered and flying stars there was the frequent shriek of the engine-whistle, the serpent-hiss of escaping steam.

On, on, on, the train rushed at a pace which to her seemed maddening and full of danger she felt sick and giddy would it never stop, she thought? and a deep sense of relief came over her when, with a scream from the engine-whistle loud enough to tear the drum of a sensitive ear, the whole shaking, rattling concern came to an abrupt standstill at a station. Then she mustered up courage to speak.

He supposed, for his own part, that he was going to talk with his friend Wilberforce, and his ticket ensured his passage to Philadelphia; and yet at eight o'clock he found himself standing on the steps of the Spenersberg Station, and saw the train move on. At the moment when his will seemed to him to be completely demoralized the engine-whistle sounded and the engine stopped.

The engine-whistle gave a warning shriek Philip leaned out and pressed his friend's hand warmly. "Good-bye, old fellow! I'll write to you in Italy." "All right mind you do! And I say give my love to Thelma!" Philip smiled and promised.

"These fools these aren't the two!" Frank heard the capostazione declare, in Italian, under his breath, as they swung down on the station platform. Then the shrill little thin-noted engine-whistle sounded, the wheels began to turn, and they were once more speeding through the white moonlight, deeper and deeper into Italy.

"Do!" and there was almost a note of eagerness in his voice "I should like to know what you think" here a loud and persistent scream from the engine-whistle drowned all possibility of speech as the train rushed past a bewildering wilderness of houses packed close together under bristling black chimneys then, as the deafening din ceased, he added, quietly, "Here is London."

The lamps, just lighted, cast upon wet wood and metal a pale yellow shimmer; voices sounded with peculiar clearness; so did the rumble of a porter's barrow laden with luggage. From a foundry hard by came the muffled, rhythmic thunder of mighty blows; this and the long note of an engine-whistle wailing far off seemed to intensify the stillness of the air as gloomy day passed into gloomier night.

Much good will your trumpery message do then! If, however, you have the wit to sound your long and short on an engine-whistle, thus: Scre scre, scre; screeee; scre scre; scre scre scre scre; scre scre scre, scre scre, screeeee scrceeee; scre; screeeee; why, then the whole neighborhood, for five miles round, will know that Comet must stop, if only they understand spoken language, and, among others, the engineman of Comet will understand it; and Comet will not run into that wreck of worlds which gives the order, with his nucleus of hot iron and his tail of five hundred tons of coal.