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"Indeed I have," said Robin, brightening up, "it was through his efforts that the Atlantic Cable was laid in 1858 which unfortunately went wrong." "Well, my boy, it is through his efforts that another cable is to be laid in this year 1865, which we all hope sincerely won't go wrong, and my friend, who wants an assistant, is one of the electricians connected with the new expedition.

Some, indeed, thought that several different kinds existed; but the renowned electricians truly great men, for they had opened the gates of science proclaimed that all electricities were in reality one and the same, modified only by accidents.

Then two of the men hacked through several of the main stems of the canary creeper huge cylinders they were, a couple of feet in diameter, that came out by the sink at the back; and while Cossar set the house in order for the night, Bensington, Redwood, and one of the assistant electricians went cautiously round by the fowl runs in search of the rat-holes.

Avenarius of Austria, a method of dividing the electric current, by the insertion of a polariser in a secondary circuit connected with each lamp, a method, it need not be said to electricians, now utterly obsolete.

If he told any of the soldiers or even the steward they would only jolly him. He did not know exactly what he had better do. He made up his mind that he would go down through the passageway where those under engineers and electricians slept and see how it looked down there.

At its session of November 5, 1884, the International Society of Electricians, upon a motion of Mr. Hospitalier, who had made a communication upon this question, appointed a committee to study it and report upon it. The English Society of Electricians likewise took the subject into consideration, and one of its most active and distinguished members, Mr.

I cannot find words to express how deeply I feel the honor of addressing some of the foremost thinkers of the present time, and so many able scientific men, engineers and electricians, of the country greatest in scientific achievements. The results which I have the honor to present before such a gathering I cannot call my own.

Meanwhile the pirate vessel came within range and fired a shot which missed them. The fire was not repeated. Evidently they meant to get within easy range before trying another shot. In a few minutes the electricians came on deck with several large coils of copper wire, which they uncoiled and distributed mysteriously about the sides of the vessel.

But to those who have not served an apprenticeship to the technicalities to all but professed electricians the action of these machines is almost an unknown mystery.

To him you are intrusting the task of putting your chaotic and half-expressed thoughts and desires into a set of plans that will guide and control masons, carpenters, plumbers, electricians, and painters in their work.