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This high price in 1764 is, however, four shillings and eight-pence cheaper than the ordinary price paid by Prince Henry; and it is the best beef only, it must be observed, which is fit to be salted for those distant voyages.

The taxes raised this year were little short of SIXTY MILLIONS. In February the quartern loaf was eight-pence; by December it had risen to one shilling and four pence halfpenny. Those were rare times for the farmers and the yeomanry; and they did not forget to make their poor neighbours feel their power.

I told him to stop a moment, and then having ascertained how much it was about one shilling and eight-pence paid the money and got the poor fellow clear this time. Sheikh Makouran is a true patriot. To-day, had a proof of the rancorous enmity of the ancient factions.

The country in the immediate neighbourhood is flat, and the soil rich, yielding most luxuriant crops of wheat and Indian corn. The season of 1838-39 was a poor one for the farmer: flour rose in price to 60s. the cwt.; and the quartern loaf, before I left the Colony, was selling as high as two shillings and eight-pence.

"Not your basket?" "No, not even that; for while I was busy after some that ran one way, the others kicked my basket before them like a football, until it was fairly out of sight. I had only eight-pence in my pocket, so you perceive, Japhet, how I was going down in the world." "You were indeed, Tim." Timothy finishes his narrative.

"Ja!" I then asked him if he were as desirous of letting his carriole, as I was of hiring it; and he again said, "Ja!" I tendered several small silver coins, amounting to an ort, a piece of Norwegian money equivalent in value to eight-pence sterling, and begged the peasant to tell me if the offer were sufficiently generous. He counted the coins in the palm of my hand.

Licenced butchers to enter into recognizances to observe as follows: Not to kill any breeding stock; nor to send live stock, or carcase meat, on board vessels, without permission; to deliver to the governor a weekly return of stock killed, purchased, and sold; not to demand more than one shilling and eight-pence per pound for beef, one shilling per pound for mutton, and eight-pence halfpenny per pound for pork; and not to sell meat by the joint, but by weight, under the penalty of forfeiting their licences and recognizances; the latter to the informer.

'He said three weeks, but he's so anxious to do the job that he's most likely under-estimated the time; I'd better allow four weeks: that means about 200 hours: 200 hours at eight-pence: how much is that? And say he has a painter to help him half the time. 100 hours at sixpence-ha'penny. He consulted a ready reckoner that was on the desk. 'Time, L9.7.6.

While we were there, a certain Scotsman killed four lions, three tigers, and three wild elephants, for all of which he got the rewards. The Dutch make here a great quantity of an excellent wine, called Cape wine, which is sold by retail at eight-pence a quart. We sailed from the Cape the 24th of March, excellently provided with every thing requisite for the voyage.

And then, you can always reflect that you have discharged, as you say, a public duty, by protesting against a vile system." "Protesting is very well, when it pays," the Major answered, gloomily; "but to pay for protesting is another pair of shoes." This made him cross, and he grew quite fierce when the cabman smote him for eight-pence more.