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London has its night life, but it ends early in the very shank of the evening, so to speak. This is due in a measure to the operation of the early-closing law, which, however, does not apply if you are a bona-fide traveler stopping at your own inn. There the ancient tavern law protects you.

As a fact one knows this perfectly well; but habit is stronger than reason, and day after day I went on being perplexed, and often unready for the "early-closing" system. "Water we must have," said I to the Wallack. "Let us strike off from the direct route and follow the lead of this valley, we shall find water in the bottom for a certainty."

But we heard that she burst a blood-vessel, and now she's in the hospital at Brompton. 'Delightful story! Haven't you an early-closing day? 'They had before I went there; but only for about three months. Then the agreement broke down. 'Like the assistants. A pity the establishment doesn't follow suit.

Bert met it one early-closing afternoon as he refreshed himself in an inn near Nutfield, whither his motor-bicycle had brought him. There smoked and meditated a person in khaki, an engineer, who presently took an interest in Bert's machine. It was a sturdy piece of apparatus, and it had acquired a kind of documentary value in these quick-changing times; it was now nearly eight years old.

"My dear, you make me a convert to the Saturday-afternoon early-closing rule, and to the plan for providing seats for saleswomen, for I see that fatigue has impaired your usefulness to your employer." The lounger started to her feet with flashing eyes. "I am as strong as you are," said she, very indignantly.

The two little beasts doing antics in the pond are a pair of Russian minks and that reminds me: I must go and get them some herrings from the town before noon it is early-closing to-day. That animal just stepping out of his house is an antelope, one of the smaller South African kinds. Now let us move to the other side of those bushes there and I will show you some more."

A stamp of the foot emphasized this passionate speech, and then Dudley fled from the room, banging the door violently behind him. As on a former occasion he now took himself and his grief to old Principle. It was early-closing day in the village, and he found the old man just locking up his door prepared for a ramble.

You must not give us your mere suppositions. Now, did he never pay you a visit, or take you for a walk, say on Wednesdays? That would be early-closing day, I believe." "Never for the last three years, sir, after he became a Freemason. Wednesdays was lodge-night." "Well then, on Saturday, after shop hours?" "Yes, he used to come on Saturdays, till he was made a Forester.

"I thought you knew," said Georgie slowly, "though I might have known you didn't; you never see anything, which may be very beautiful, but, believe me, can be very trying to a poor female! If you really want to know, he goes over to Penzance in his tandem every early-closing day to take out Miss Polly Behenna from Behenna the draper's in Market Jew Street."

She is in a shop Brown and Evans, drapers, of Brixton; and she is not here to-day because Thursday is the early-closing day for the shops, and this is only Tuesday!" There was a short silence.