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He said them now, and the results seemed likely to be fatal to a dropsical animal so soon after a full meal. "You'll kill him!" whispered Robinette as they left the dining room. "I mean to!" was the calm reply. "I'd like to wring old Smeardon's neck too!" but the broad good humour of the rosy face, the twinkling eyes, belied these truculent words.

Some thought the head too big, some too small; some that the body was disproportionately little; others, on the contrary, that it was so much too large that it had the appearance of being dropsical; others maintained that the legs were too weak for the support of the whole, and that they should be rendered more important and prominent members of the figure; while, on the contrary, there were yet others who cried out that really these members were already so extravagantly huge, so coarse, and so ungenteel, that they quite marred the general effect of a beautiful piece of sculpture.

She had no sweat, nor could be down for a single moment; and had previously, and at present, complained of great weakness and pain and numbness of both her arms; had no swelling of her legs, no thirst, water in due quantity and colour. Her sister, about a year before, was afflicted with similar symptoms, was repeatedly blooded, and died universally dropsical.

"Don't talk nonsense!" the physician cried officiously in a thin voice. "And I'm a revolutionist! I detest reforms!" The physician, thoughtfully pulling his beard, felt the dropsical swelling on Yegor's face. The mother knew him well. He was Ivan Danilovich, one of the close comrades of Nikolay. She walked up to Yegor, who thrust forth his tongue by way of welcome to her.

Caxton, he is not so much to be pitied; the dropsical jeweller would give him as much for his limbs and health as for ours! How is it answer me, son of so wise a father that no one pities the dropsical jeweller, and all pity the healthy Savoyard? It is, sir, because there is a stern truth which is stronger than all Spartan lessons, Poverty is the master-ill of the world. Look round.

Under the dazzling sky, past the mountains of gold and purple, amidst the centenarian trees, symbolical of health, the running waters whose freshness was eternal, that /cortege/ still and ever marched on with its sufferers, whom nature, if not God, had condemned, those who were afflicted with skin diseases, those whose flesh was eaten away, those who were dropsical and inflated like wine-skins, and those whom rheumatism and paralysis had twisted into postures of agony.

"'Dan, said the father, speaking of the eldest, 'would eat the devil; Jack, the second, 'would drink the devil; and Bob, this chap here, 'would both eat and drink him, in the first, place, and outwit him afterwards. That's Bob, the youngest he there with a lip like a dropsical sausage. He has sent him here to pick up a little honesty, and much loyalty."

He exchanged affectionate farewell greetings and good wishes with Jeannin and with the dropsical Duke of Mayenne, who was brought in his chair to his old fellow Leaguer's apartments at the moment of the Ambassador's parting interview.

The wound was not trifling, and to one in his damaged and dropsical condition it was dangerous. Fever set in, with symptoms of gangrene, and it became necessary to entrust the command of the League to Mayenne. But it was hardly concealed from Parma that the duke was playing a double game.

On the other hand, the ill effects of over-feeding and pruning may reach a point where the plant is seriously crippled. =Edema.= Under certain conditions plants in greenhouses or even in the open field, may absorb water through the roots faster than it can be transpired through the leaves, with the result that dropsical swellings or blisters occur on the leaves and more succulent stems.