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By the dim light of the lamp, Frank saw, twenty feet below, the dark, sluggish and nauseous stream of the filthy drainings of the vast city overhead, which, running thro' holes under the edges of the sidewalk, collect in these immense subterranean reservoirs, and are slowly discharged into the river.

But I was nearer praying then than I've ever been since I came to this office. We'll never live to see that prayer answered, you and I." "Perhaps," began Hal. "Oh, perhaps!" Ellis snatched the word from his lips. "Perhaps you're the boy to do it, eh? Why, it's your kind that's made journalism the sewer of the professions, full of the scum and drainings of every other trade's failures.

His lower spars were cased in tight unmentionables of what had once been white kerseymere, and long boots, the coal-scuttle tops of which served as scuppers to carry off the drainings from his coat-flaps in bad weather; he was, in fact, the "last of the sea-monsters," but, like all his tribe, as brave as steel, and, when put to it, as alert as a cat.

The sour drainings of the heart's cup, left to moisten the lips of the damned when the blessed have drunk their fill! I hate the word, as I hate the thought!" Unorna sighed, partly, perhaps, that he might hear the sigh, and put upon it an interpretation soothing to his vanity, but partly, too, from a sincere regret that he should need to suffer as he was evidently suffering.

The amounts of superphosphate and nitrate which you use would be considered homeopathic treatment by our growers. Cow Stable Drainage for Fruit. I have been told that the drainings from a cow barn make an excellent fertilizer for orange and lemon trees, in fact, anywhere on plants where manure is considered beneficial.

"Look here," cried Fred, "you say another word about it, and I'll throw all the water over you." "Let's make haste, then, and go and find the way in before breakfast." For answer Fred scooped away at such a rate that he had soon cleared the boat down to the little well-like hollow arranged to catch the drainings. "Now then," he cried, "I'm tired. You row."

His two feet, always in evidence, rested on their heels, and were generally encased in carpet slippers shoes being out of the question owing to his life-long habit of storing inside his own person the drainings of the decanters, an idiosyncrasy which produced a form of gout that only carpet slippers could alleviate.

I explained how we had got pinned in by the gale, and the quartette of us went back to the saeter hut. Afterwards, when we got to pipes and the last drainings of the grog, he explained his presence.

I tell you the responsibility I of looking after a hinfant is that awful nowadays that I don't care to undertake it for less." Esther hesitated; she did not like this woman. "I suppose," said the woman, altering her tone to one of mild interrogation, "you would like your baby to have the best of everything, and not the drainings of any bottle that's handy?"

Many were picturesque, but others looked like the drainings of the slums of larger cities.