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Promptly both canoes were put about, and the shore was regained with amazing speed. After that the Dogribs paddled quietly up the Greygoose River, and meekly returned to their woodland home. It was with feelings of profound thankfulness and relief that Adolay landed on the first of the islets, and surveyed the chaotic though beautiful floes from which they had escaped.

The old man Chippeway, the first of men, when he first landed on the earth, near where the present Dogribs have their hunting-grounds, found the world a beautiful world, well stocked with food, and abounding with pleasant things.

It is altogether unbearable, and more than the Dogribs can stand. They won't stand it!" "Waugh!" again said the audience, for the old man had delivered the last sentence with considerable vehemence, and meant that it should tell.

That rough flint-gun, which might have done duty in the days of the Stuarts, is worth many a rich sable in the country of the Dogribs and the Loucheaux, and is bartered for skins whose value can be rated at four times their weight in gold; but the gun on the banks of the Thames and the gun in the pine woods of the Mackenzie are two widely different articles.

As the light slowly increases while the sun rises, so light came into my mind. The Dogribs have always talked of the Eskimos as if they were fools. I found that this young man was not a fool that he was wise wiser than some of our own braves. His mind was deep and wide. He did not talk only of food and sleep and hunting.

Come now, men; these Eskimos hev come here on a veesit, an' full well do I know that there's not an Indian tribe in all the land equal to the Dogribs for hospitality; so you'll go and get ready a feast for our veesitors, an' I'll gie you some goot things out o' the store to help it."

A taste, however, for articles of European manufacture is gaining ground among them, and to obtain those articles a more active life is necessary, so that some tolerable fur-hunters are now to be found among them. The Dogribs occupy the barren grounds that are around Great Bear Lake, and extend to the Copper-mine River.

As to common sense being favourable to peace, he did not quite understand what his white father meant by that, for there was only one kind of sense among the Dogribs though perhaps there might be two or three kinds where the traders came from! But in regard to marriage, there could be no doubt of his opinion on that point, seeing that he was going to give his daughter to Cheenbuk.

How does he know that the young man is not a liar that many of his warriors may not be in our hunting-grounds even at this moment, though he says there are none? As for his talk about the Great Spirit and the future, what does he know about either the one or the other? Is he wiser than the Dogribs? Does his attack on Nazinred look like a lover of peace?

On beholding him the girl stopped, and, after two or three exasperated echoes had finished their remarks, a profound silence reigned. Lovers among the Dogribs are not yet very gallant. Civilisation may do something for them, as to this, in time. "You can make a noise!" said the youth, stepping up to her. "I have reason to do so," replied the maiden, somewhat abashed.