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It was dark as he rode out by the low road to Chapelizod crest-fallen, beaten scowling in the darkness through his horse's ears along the straight black line of road, and wishing, as he passed the famous Dog-house, that he might be stopped and plundered, and thus furnished with a decent excuse for his penniless condition, and a plea in which all the world would sympathise for a short indulgence and, faith! he did not much care if they sent a bullet through his harassed brain.

Wolfert found him at his cabin, which was not much larger than a tolerable dog-house. It was rudely constructed of fragments of wrecks and drift-wood, and built on the rocky shore, at the foot of the old fort, just about what at present forms the point of the Battery. A "most ancient and fish-like smell" pervaded the place.

The cart is a sort of dog-house on two wheels; its frame is of wood, and has a covering of felt cloth, thick enough to ward off a light fall of rain, and embarrass a heavy one. It is barely high enough to allow a man to sit erect, but not sufficiently long to enable him to lie at full length. The body rests directly upon the axle, so that the passenger gets the full benefit of every jolt.

"I lost two hundred florins out in that dog-house," replied Ben, who was the wag of the party, and a general favorite. "What dog-house?" inquired Paul. "Why, the big one auf dem Platz." "Do you mean the Kursaal?" asked Paul. "Mr. "No." "The cur-house what's the difference?" "U in German is pronounced like double o. But you don't mean to say you have been gambling, Ben?" added Paul.

We had some honeysuckles on the porch; there they are, and there's the grape-vine. I had a dog-house, too, made to look like a church, and my father promised to buy me a Newfoundland dog, one of those great hairy fellows, with brass collars, you know, that you can ride on, when he had sold a great many pictures, and made his fortune.

The accommodations, too, while they are comfortable and even luxurious for the poor creatures that have hitherto slept on ash-barrels and stone flaggings, are unfit for household pets that have slept on cushions, soft rugs, and milady's bed. There is a dog-house and a cat-house, sufficiently far apart that the occupants of one need not be disturbed by those of the other.

She's brought four trunks with her one respectable trunk, same as anybody might have, one big square trunk that looks like a dog-house, and another big trunk that a person could move into if there wasn't no other house handy, and another trunk that was packed so full that it had bulged out on all sides but one, and when Jim and Dick took it up into the attic there wasn't but one side they could set it on.

This queer-looking dog-house might have become a sarcophagus had it not been for one thing, viz., Captain Dick, one dark and stormy night, having visited one of the neighboring resorts where he had pressed his cordial intemperately, determined to return to his solitary home. In vain the danger was urged upon him.

Besides, he's a carpenter's son, you know; so there's a chance to borrow a saw to make the dog-house with. Who knows but his father will take a fancy to you, I'm sure he is very likely to, and make you a church dog-house, steeple and all complete and painted, and much finer than Charley Saunders's martin-box?" "Oh, I should like to, so much!