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George arrived at the oasis town of Djazerta he had with him in his small caravan no other man in the uniform of the Legion. He had only camel-drivers in white or brown burnouses, nomads who live in tents, and whose womenfolk go unveiled without losing the respect of men.

"You speak of Garcia again?" "Yes, my Colonel." "Are you sure of him?" "I am sure." "Very well. Talk to him then. Come back to me afterward, and I'll give you all instructions." The name of the Agha and the name of the place where he lived were ringing through Max's head. Ben Râana Djazerta! The father of the girl Manöel Valdez loved and must save was the Agha of Djazerta.

And Manöel was sent away, cursed by my father for ingratitude and treachery, warned never to come again near Djazerta or the douar as long as he lived, unless he wished for my death as well as his." "Have you never seen him since?" Sanda asked, her heart beating fast with the rush of the story as Ourïeda had told it. "Yes, he has seen me, and I have seen him.

Ben Râana, recognizing him also, impatiently answered in French, "And I demand my daughter!" "Your daughter? Ah, I see! It is the Agha of Djazerta. But what can we know of your daughter? We left her being married." "I think thou knowest well," Ben Râana cut him short furiously, "that her marriage was not consummated.

It was merely to say that, the air of Djazerta not being healthful at this time of year, the Agha had decided, for his daughter's sake, to finish the week of the wedding feast out in the desert, at the douar. When Max, at the head of his small caravan, came in sight of the Agha's douar, it was almost noon, and the desert, shimmering with heat, was motionless, as if under enchantment.

If Sanda had tried to tell the tale of that "romance" at which she had hinted in the Salle d'Honneur, she would have had to begin far back in time when, after his wife's death, Georges DeLisle had by his own request been transferred to the Legion. His first big fight had been in helping the Agha of Djazerta against a raid of Touaregs, the veiled men of the South, brigands then and always.

At the doorway of the domed building, the only new one in Djazerta, there was much stately fuss of screening the ladies as they left the seclusion of the carriage. Then came a long, tiled corridor, which opened into a room under the dome of the hammam, and there the party was met not only by bowing female attendants, but by the guests, who had arrived early to welcome them.

For a while I will hide her in a house at Djazerta, where I have friends who will keep us safe until the search is over. No one will think of the town. All will believe that we have joined you and the caravan which your father has sent in charge of Corporal St. George. It is with him I have come, for I, too, am a Legionnaire. I hope to see St.

"Oh, Manöel doesn't mean to kill him, does he? Ourïeda said he wouldn't do that! But Arab women are so strange, so different from us, I don't believe she'd care much if he did; except that if he were a murderer they could seize him, even in another country Spain, where they both hope to go when they can get out of Djazerta."

Hardly had he recovered from the first shock of his surprise when he remembered the great march soon to be undertaken a march ostensibly for maneuvers, but in reality to punish a band of desert raiders, and later, men of the Legion were to begin the laying of a new road in the far south, even beyond Djazerta.