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The lie of the line in the water shows approximately where he will come up again, and another boat rows to the spot. As soon as he appears above the surface a second harpoon whistles through the air. The whale is now too breathless to dive. He swims along the surface and lashes the waves with his tail to free himself from his tormentors.

He did not fail to take advantage of this situation, but, after glancing somewhat cautiously around, followed his declaration of his own importance and resentment with an angry dive, and, an instant later, had the girl by the right arm, while his countrymen called loudly in approval. Another instant and the man was dragging Anna to the center of the open space where dancing had been going on.

I see him in Spawn City in a bum gamblin' dive." Sandy suddenly roused to a keen interest. "Them strangers," he said "that 'minds me I was talkin' to one last night. He was askin' me when a stage was running from here." "What d'you tell him?" demanded Bill quickly, and Minky's eyes asked the question too. Sandy laughed conceitedly.

His property was sold gradually and he never returned, except to move his family away, and I heard afterwards he was reduced to poverty. Another jointist was named Hank O'Bryan. In passing his place one night from prayer-meeting, I smelled the horrid drink and went in. A man by the name of Grogan was there, half drunk, and I said: "You have a dive here." Mr.

“The dumb devil can’t swim a strokeexclaimed Kirby, rising, and beginning to throw aside his clothes. “Paddle up, Mohegancried young Edwards, “the light will show us where he lies, and I will dive for the body“Oh! save him! for God’s sake, save himexclaimed Elizabeth, bowing her head on the side of the canoe in horror.

In the South, I have seen a large area of water, acres in extent, uniformly agitated by a school of mullets apparently feeding upon some infusoria on the surface, and then instantly, as if upon a given signal, the fish would dive and the rippling cease. It showed a unity of action as of ten thousand spindles controlled by electricity.

You trip your foot against a stone and lurch up against Daly; he tumbles overboard, and you off with your jacket and dive in off the quay after him. He can't swim a stroke." Mr. Blundell caught his breath and gazed at him in speechless amaze. "There's sure to be several people on the quay if it's a fine afternoon," continued his instructor.

In a sick rage, Taber looked in both directions and saw the android dive through a group of people half a block away. He tipped them over like tenpins and ran on. Taber gripped the gun tight and started in pursuit. He could not fire because there was enough sidewalk traffic to make it dangerous. On ahead, the android's path was blocked by a man.

By close application he was able to see a figure bending over the ledge of the cabin window, apparently scrutinizing the queer combination of mangrove patches and crooked water passages between. The plane was rushing down a steep slant in a clever dive, or glide, so that with the passage of each second the chances for the pilot to make a discovery increased.

"A good many land-lubbers imagine we use powerful searchlights to find our way under water, but a light powerful enough to show us twenty feet ahead of our own bow hasn't yet been made by man. So, when you dive beneath the surface, you simply have to go it blind. As a result, you take your bearings and guess your distance before you dive.