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Outwardly she pictured the gay and merry spirit of the night, yet to Brant, already observing her with the jealousy of a lover, she appeared distrait and restless, her affectation of abandon a mere mask to her true feelings.

If I happen to look depressed at breakfast time, he jots it down spells of depression and melancholia, do you see? He's a dreadful man." Saunders was approaching from the lower end of the balcony. He appeared flustered. His face was red and perspiring and his manner distrait.

The Distrait possesses not only the faults of the methodical pieces of character which I have already censured, but it is not even a peculiar character at all; the mistakes occasioned by the unfortunate habit of being absent in thought are all alike, and admit of no heightening: they might therefore have filled up an after-piece, but, certainly did not merit the distinction of being spun out into a comedy of five acts.

The worst was over. The victims scented fun in the thing and perked up, and the schoolma'am breathed relief, for she knew the crowd. Things would go with a swing, after this, and success was, barring accidents, a foregone conclusion. Through all the clatter and cross-fire of jibes Happy Jack sat, nervous and distrait, in the seat nearest the door and farthest from Annie Pilgreen.

HAMLET ou LE DISTRAIT Pièce de Shakespeare He repeated to John Eglinton's newgathered frown: Pièce de Shakespeare, don't you know. It's so French. The French point of view. Hamlet ou... The absentminded beggar, Stephen ended. John Eglinton laughed. Yes, I suppose it would be, he said. Excellent people, no doubt, but distressingly shortsighted in some matters.

Mary could not understand his preoccupation. It piqued her. A slight strangeness sprang up between them which he was too distrait to notice. Finally, as he tumbled into bed that night, an idea so brilliant came to him that he sat bolt upright in sheer delight at his own astuteness. He would ask Dr. McPherson for a copy of the assays.

The consideration of this vital question occupied the whole time of the sermon; made me distrait at dinner, a large family gathering. Later I found myself alone with heron a bench in the Hutchinses' garden where we had walked the day of my arrival, during the campaign. The gardens were very different, now.

I took care never to be absent or 'distrait'; but on the contrary, attended to everything that was said, done, or even looked, in company; I never failed in the minutest attentions and was never 'journalier'. These things, and not my 'egaremens', made me fashionable. Adieu! This letter is full long enough. BATH, October 19, O. S. 1748.

Sometimes too he came back from the duty very distrait and unhappy-looking, a circumstance always noted by Madame with anger and scorn. To such a situation, any tragedy was a possible culmination, and day by day there was a more reckless abuse of its opportunities.