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Field's quiet voice broke the stillness at length. "If you are writing letters of your own, perhaps I may leave this one in your charge." She looked round with a start. He had turned in his chair. Their eyes met across the room. "May I?" he said. She nodded, finding her voice with an effort. "Yes of course." He got up, and as he did so the great dinner-gong sounded through the house.

She started toward the veranda, but, with a little cry, Edith caught her and held her back. "No," she said, in a strange tone, "roses are not for me!" The dinner-gong chimed in with the answer, and the three went out together. Neither Alden nor Edith made more than a pretence of eating.

We tried to close the door behind us, but we heard the butler choke, gasp, and shout at the top of his voice, "Hi! hallo!" At the same instant the old dinner-gong sent a peal of horrible sound through the house, and we took to flight filled with unutterable terror. Oh, how we did run!

"When Bailey had the auction at his insurance office, there she was, and, sure enough, that afternoon she landed in our side yard with Bailey's poll-parrot and a circular saw. It amused me. She wanted to use that saw as a dinner-gong, but it was cracked, and so she has turned it into a griddle for muffins.

As Rikki-tikki went up the path, he heard his 'attention' notes like a tiny dinner-gong; and then the steady 'Ding-dong-lock! Nag is dead dong! Nagaina is dead! Ding-dong-tock! That set all the birds in the garden singing, and the frogs croaking; for Nag and Nagaina used to eat frogs as well as little birds. 'He saved our lives and Teddy's life, she said to her husband.

When they were not seasick they were uncommonly prompt when the dinner-gong sounded. Such was our daily life on board the ship solemnity, decorum, dinner, dominoes, devotions, slander. It was not lively enough for a pleasure trip; but if we had only had a corpse it would have made a noble funeral excursion.

It was for Miss Tevkin's return that I was watching. But the dinner-gong sounded before she made her appearance DINNER at the Rigi Kulm on a Saturday evening was not merely a meal. It was, in addition, or chiefly, a great social function and a gown contest The band was playing.

She went back to her room, tried not to mind and occupied herself looking over her beloved Greek until the dinner-gong sounded. After dinner Priscilla again looked with anxious, loving eyes at Maggie. Maggie did not stop, as was her custom, to say a kind word or two as she passed. She was talking to another girl and laughing gaily.

That the earth might be a living, sentient organism, though too vast to be envisaged as such by normal human consciousness, had always been a tenet of his imagination's creed. Now he knew it true, as a dinner-gong is true.

But as evening came on, one by one they began to feel the effects of mal de mer, and long before the dinner-gong sounded had retired thankfully to their berths. The time that followed was an absolute nightmare. The heavy seas dashed the Clytie about like a match-box.