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Haveing thus refreshed myself, I looked about, and saw the yard Policeman, a new one who did not know me, as I am away at school most of the time, and the Familey is not expected to visit the mill, because of dirt and possable accidents. I aproached him, however, and he stood still and stared at me. "Officer" I said, in my most dignafied tones.

I refused to yeild an inch, and it ended in my having my dinner in my room, and mother threatening to keep me home from the Party the next night. It was not a threat, if she had only known it. But when the next day went by, with no more flowers, and nothing aparently wrong except that mother was very dignafied with me, I began to feel better.

We had but just started, and Mademoiselle had taken the car and gone back to the Adams's residence to bring out Mr. Adams, as she considers gun-shooting as dangerous, when a farmer with to dogs came over a fense and objected, saying that it was Sunday and that his cows were getting excited anyhow and would probahly not give any milk. "These are War times," I said, in a dignafied manner.

Carter Brooks came to dinner that night because his people were out of town, and I think he noticed that I looked mature and dignafied, for he stared at me a lot. And father said: "Bab, you're not eating. Is it possable that that boarding school hollow of yours is filling up?" One's Familey is apt to translate one's finest Emotions into terms of food and drink.

And I don't intend to be an Also-ran." "Perhaps," I observed, in my most dignafied maner. "But no one has ever tried to bully me before. I may be young, but the Other Sex have always treated me with respect." I then walked up the steps and into my home, leaving him on the pavment. It was cruel, but I felt that it was best to start right.

Ye gods, was I in a mood for candy? "I think not, father," I replied, in a dignafied way. "Our dear Country is now at war, and it is no time for self-indulgence." "Good for you!" he said. "Evadently that school of yours is worth something after all. But we might have a bit of candy, anyhow, don't you think? Because we want to keep our Industries going and money in circulation."

I took a quick look at her, and I saw at once that she had desided to lend it to me and then run and tell mother, beginning, "I think you'd ought to know, Mrs. Archibald " "Nothing doing, Hannah," I said, in a most dignafied manner. "But I think you are an old Clam, and I don't mind saying so." I was now thrown on my own resourses, and very bitter.

In the second place an employer has a right to turn away a man he doesn't want. No one can force Capitle to employ Labor." "Well," I said, "as long as Labor talks and makes a lot of noise, and Capitle is to dignafied to say anything, most people are going to side with Labor." He gazed at me. "Right!" he said. "You've put your finger on it, in true femanine fashion."