United States or Ireland ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

With a diagram of these printed on the brain he had full command of the phrases which his excogitation had attached to them, and which embodied the ideas in perfect form. He believed he had been particularly fortunate in his notion for the speech of that evening, and he had worked it out in joyous self-reliance.

Mention may be made of Singer's special button hole machine for making the straight holes used in linen work, and in which a shuttle is employed. Of Wheeler & Wilson's ingenious button hole machine for the same purpose, I am enabled to show a diagram, in which it will be observed that the feeding arrangements are placed above the bed plate, and are no doubt thereby rendered easily accessible.

A diagram caught his attention almost at once as he turned to another magazine. It was of a behemoth ship, bigger than any he had ever seen, and built like the dream of a battleship, though it was listed as a freighter. He scanned it, mentally converting it. With a few like that, Meloa could have won during the first year.

This diagram is a miniature relief outline of the county with each lot and plot in the county designated, and, according to our measurements, it averages almost eighteen by twenty-four feet, varying according to the size of the county. When you buy land you buy from the county only.

In this extremity her thoughts went to Calumet; she remembered vividly what he had said about the idol when she had asked him why he did not get it and convert it into cash. "I ain't so much stuck on monkeyin' with them religious things," he had said. And she was certain that if Calumet knew of her danger he would not have had her hesitate an instant in relinquishing the diagram to Taggart.

The accompanying diagram shows this construction, together with the means employed for securing the ends of the four rods the collars were placed in position after the rods had been put on.

I brought out the slip that bore the blind diagram and the blinder description that accompanied it. Nothing could be made of it in the darkness, so I described it as well as I could. "We are on the right track," said Mrs. Knapp. "Oh, why didn't I have that yesterday? But here we are at the wharf." The hack had stopped, and a hand was fumbling at the door.

"It's merely a routine inspection," murmured Nuwell. Goat indicated one of his charts, showing a diagram of genes and chromosomes in different colors. "This is my original chart," he said. "I copied it from one belonging to the Martians many years ago, and my genetic alteration of Brute and Adam were based on it.

The passage of the club through the ball, as it were, is the same as in the case of the push shot with the cleek, and therefore reference may usefully be made to the diagram on page 106, which illustrates it.

Having this carefully noted on your needle, without moving the position of your eye, you can move your outstretched arm and compare it with other distances on the object. #It is never advisable to compare other than vertical and horizontal measurements.# In our diagram the points were drawn at random and do not come in any obvious mathematical relationship, and this is the usual circumstance in nature.