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I had not yet heard them bracketed together; but it seemed a natural conjunction, and commended itself swiftly to my fears; and as soon as I returned to Silverado and had told my story, we practically gave Hanson up, and set ourselves to do what we could find do-able in our desert-island state. The lower room had been the assayer's office.

It might be about the amateur burglar, or the little child who reconciled old Sir John to his daughter's marriage, or the ghost at Enderby Grange, or the millionaire's Christmas dinner, or the accident to the Scotch express. Personally, I do not care for any of these; my vote goes for the desert-island story.

I had not yet heard them bracketted together; but it seemed a natural conjunction, and commended itself swiftly to my fears; and as soon as I returned to Silverado and had told my story, we practically gave Hanson up, and set ourselves to do what we could find do-able in our desert-island state. The lower room had been the assayer's office.

And it was perhaps a little self-centred of Ready to thank God for her recovery on the grounds that she could "ill be spared" by a family rather short-handed in the rainy season. However, the story is the thing. As long as a desert-island book contains certain ingredients, I do not mind if other superfluous matter creeps in. Our demands we of the elect who adore desert-islands are simple.

"I should hope so!" exclaimed his hostess. "But you will at least have her to yourself, and that pays for every thing." "Oh, peutetre!" Fenton returned dubiously, perfectly well aware that the remark had been made to elicit comment, yet too fond of talking to resist temptation and leave it unanswered, "peutetre, though I never believed in the desert-island theory.

Mr Abney had a smaller sanctum of his own, reserved exclusively for himself. On this particular night he went there early, leaving me alone with Glossop. It is one of the drawbacks of the desert-island atmosphere of a private school that everybody is always meeting everybody else. To avoid a man for long is impossible.

As a grown-up I wondered why his father did not give him to the first savage who came by, and so allow himself a chance of enjoying his island in peace; but at Tommy's age I should have resented just as strongly a father who, even on a desert-island, could not bear to see his boy making a fool of himself with turtle and gunpowder.

"Here we are!" Garth's voice recalled her abruptly from her musings to find that the Betsy Anne was swaying gently alongside a little wooden landing-stage. "But how civilized!" she exclaimed. "One does not expect to find a jetty on a desert-island." Trent laughed grimly. "Devil's Hood is far from being a desert island in the summer, when the tourists come this way. They swarm over it."

They are nearly all French Canadians and Irish people." "Then you like dancing because there are no gentlemen to dance with?" "There are gentlemen at the picnics." "The picnics?" "The teachers' picnics. They have them every summer, in a grove by the pond." There was, then, a high-browed, dyspeptic high-school principal, and the desert-island theory was probably all wrong.

I had read it as a child, and remembered vaguely that it combined desert-island adventure with a high moral tone; jam and powder in the usual proportions. Having, unfortunately, no others at hand, the only satisfaction I can give myself is to write about them. For a desert-island is a child's escape from real life and its many lessons.