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The two parties had been for some time very nearly evenly balanced there, and every electioneering art and device, including that of bringing to the poll voters who had long rested in the cemetery, was practised in Derry with unfailing zeal and zest by party managers.

The paper was actually printed more than once in the old office in Dublin under the noses of the police, and on one occasion Mr. Wolohan set up a printing machine in a private house in Derry, and, assisted by my son, actually worked off the copies of the paper next door to the house of the resident magistrate.

"It was because of this Chinese monster, Shan Tung because he has some sort of power over her, you say because " She snatched her hand from his with a suddenness that startled him. Her eyes, so beautiful and soft a few minutes before, scintillated fire. "Derry, if you don't fix this heathen devil I WILL!"

I have an uncle and a cousin or two among the malignants, as good fellows as ever lived no Amalekites and Canaanites let Smite-them Derry say what he will. Elmwood! let's see that was the troop that forded higher up, and came on Fisher's corps. This way, dame. If your son be down, you'll find him here; that is, unless he be carried into the mill or one of the houses.

"I am afraid he would disown me, then and there, without listening to explanations." "I have no doubt it's a sore grievance to him that he is not in Derry, at present," Captain Davenant said. "I am sure it is," John replied; "but the fasting would be a great trial to him. My grandfather is a capital trencherman. Still, I am sure he would have borne his part."

Hardcastle had waxed quite friendly as he expressed his thanks, and one day, catching Ingred by the gate with Derry, he had volunteered the information that "that fox terrier of yours is a fine dog, and no mistake, and would be worth something to a fancier!" "Sell Derry!" the idea, though she hated it, had taken possession of Ingred's brain.

In 1845 he was appointed coadjutor-Bishop of Derry, and created Bishop of Ortosia in the Archbishopric of Tyre. A strong advocate of Repeal and tenant-right, he gradually attorned to the Young Irelanders when he discovered that the Whig Government had bought up Conciliation Hall.

Ralph Witherspoon had dared to point a finger of scorn at him other people had dared She suffered intensely, not as a child, but as a woman. Alma, out on the floor, was saying to Derry, "I saw you dancing with Jean McKenzie. She's a quaint little duck." "Not a duck, Alma," he was smiling, "a white dove or a silver swan." The look that he sent across the room to Jean was a revelation.

Neither wintry storms nor summer rains had loosened it in the grasp of the warlike churchman's effigy, until, on the 13th day of April, 1829 the day the royal signature was given to the Act of Emancipation the sword of Walker fell with a prophetic crash upon the ramparts of Derry, and was shattered to pieces.

She was very handsome. "To our happiness," he said, eagerly, and unexpectedly, as he took the glass. Hilda, pouring out more wine for herself, stood suddenly transfixed. Derry spoke from the threshold. "Dr. McKenzie has asked you repeatedly not to give my father wine, Miss Merritt." He was breathing quickly. His hat was in his hand and he wore his fur coat.