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The Dennisons and one or two larger boys he ordered to remain. As the scholars filed out, there was a colloquy between Jacob Dennison and his younger brother Dave. Dave had the brains of the family, and he was whispering to Jake. Keith moved his chair and seated himself near the door.

He has seen fit to let little Billy alone ever since." "Well, I guess I'll let the Dennisons come," said Miss Fortune; "that makes twelve and you and your mother are fourteen. I suppose that man Marshchalk will come dangling along after the Hitchcocks." "To be sure he will; and his aunt, Miss Janet, will come with him, most likely." "Well there's no help for it," said Miss Fortune.

Juniper Hitchcock; but, before the evening was over, Ellen had a vastly greater respect for him. Last, not least, came the Dennisons; it took Ellen some time to make up her mind about them. Miss Cilly, or Cecilia, was certainly very elegant indeed.

It was an old trick learned in his boyish days and practised on the Dennisons, and Gordon had by it ended many a contest, but never one more completely than this. A buzz of applause came from the bystanders, and more than one, with sudden friendliness, called to him to get Bluffy's pistol, which had fallen on the floor.

Jenny Hitchcock, and the Huffs, and the Dennisons and others, came now and then; but Ellen did not like to see any of them all but Mrs. Vawse. Alice longed for her brother. He came at last, just before New Year. It was the middle of a fine afternoon, and Alice and her father had gone in the sleigh to Carra-carra.

There was a brief muttered conversation among the Dennisons, and then Jake Dennison rose, put on his hat slowly, and, addressing the other boys, announced that he didn't know what they were going to do, but he was "a-gwine home and git ready to go and see the dance up at Gates's." He swaggered toward the door, the others following in his wake. Keith rose from his seat. "Go back to your places."

The fact that a smooth-faced boy, not as heavy as Jake Dennison by twenty pounds, had "faced down" and quelled the Dennisons all three together, and kept Jake Dennison from going where he wanted to go, struck the humor of the trustees, and they stood by their teacher almost unanimously, and even voted to pay for a new door, which he had offered to pay for himself, as he said he might have to chop it down again.

Of course, one little circle of Brenton's intimates, the Keltridges and the Opdykes and the Dennisons, talked of the matter freely among themselves, discussing causes, watching for effects. They regretted the necessity for change, doubted it, even.