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To this Lord Salisbury replied next day: "Her Majesty's Government cannot decline to assist in forwarding a message from the French Agent in Egypt to a French explorer who is on the Upper Nile in a difficult position, and your Excellency is authorised to inform M. Delcassé that Her Majesty's Acting Agent at Cairo will be instructed to transmit to Omdurman immediately any such message, and at the same time to request Sir H. Kitchener to forward it thence to its destination by any opportunity which may be available.

"My dear Jinny, I had for Miss Jeffries, let me present you to Mademoiselle Delcassé," said Jack gravely. "I know that you met her the day of her reception " Only in that moment did Jinny place the haunting recollection. "But she was burned she was killed," she protested, shaken now with excitement. "She was not burned although there was a fire.

You have something in your pocket which must not be taken out. It is a threat, and if I see it, France will fight. Sit down. Let us talk this matter over coolly. Matters will adjust themselves all right in the end." And they did. Delcasse was finally able to quiet the French people, to recall Marchand from Fashoda and to persuade France to refuse the offer of German friendship.

For about three hours on the evening of the ninth, Delcasse, of France, and Prince Galitzin of Russia were in conference in the Prince's chamber at the Hotel de Londres. Having changed her hotel and being in a chamber adjoining the Prince's, the Countess had managed to overhear most of this conversation. In her report there were naturally some blanks.

"But it is true," Aimée insisted, in a trembling voice. "My father was Paul Delcassé " "Yahrak Kiddisak man rabbabk curse the man who brought thee up! Delcassé or devil, it is Tewfick Pasha who is your step-father, your guardian, who gave you to me for wife what has your genealogy to do with this affront upon my honor?"

The Delcassé incident had revealed a France evidently untaught by the lesson of 1870, and if the Moroccan question ended in a French victory, it was frankly won by getting behind the petticoats of England. The nation was unprepared for war, torn by political strife, and in a position to be ruthlessly trampled on by the Germans. The France of 1900-13 is not a very pleasant France to remember.

President Poincare has taken a leaf from Great Britain, and Premier Rene Viviani has reconstructed a new Cabinet with eminent men, representing all political parties, making a government of national defence. Since the outbreak of the war, the Cabinet has been taking advice from statesmen such as MM. Millerand, Delcasse, Briand, and Ribot.

In December 1900 France and Italy came to an understanding respecting Tripoli and Morocco; and in May 1902 the able French Minister, Delcassé, then intent on his Morocco enterprise, prepared the way for it by a convention with Italy, which provided that France and Italy should thenceforth peaceably adjust their differences, mainly arising out of Mediterranean questions.

And the sentimental face he pulled he ought to have had a spot-light and wailing woodwinds." McLean chuckled. "I'll believe anything of him now," Ryder rushed on. "I'll bet he murdered Delcassé and kidnapped the mother and now he is selling their daughter " "I fancy murder's a bit beyond our Tewfick. That's too thick. He's probably telling the truth there he may never have known Delcassé.

There was unrest throughout Europe and murmurs of discontent were heard among the working classes. The present Kaiser's father reigned only ninety-nine days, as he was a very sick man at the time of the old emperor's death. The "Entente Cordiale" Ancient enemies. England and France in Africa. A collision at Fashoda. Germany offers to help France. Delcasse the peacemaker.