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The commandant, in the most authoritative manner, ordered six Indians to get ready to pull us over, without deigning to tell them whether they would be paid. The periagua is a strange rough boat, but the crew were still stranger: I doubt if six uglier little men ever got into a boat together. They pulled, however, very well and cheerfully.

"There will be no fighting to be done," declared Smith, not deigning even to slacken his gait. But just then loud shrieks came from the woods, and between the trees dashed out a score or more creatures directly upon them. The trees grew so close together that it was difficult for the Englishmen to distinguish in the shadows they cast the figures whirling between the trunks.

The Seraskier of Aleppo was encamped, with his irregular troops, at the gates of the city; but without deigning even to think of the enemy, whom they thought to be at some distance, or to issue rations to the serving troops, they wasted their time in vain ceremonies. The young Mehemet Pasha was carried, under a salute of artillery, into a magnificent tent pitched upon the bank of the river.

"Bat'dlagoule, you've forgot blacking for coffin!" The apprentice made the correction without deigning reply, and then went on Livres. Sols. Farth. The apprentice stopped. "That's all," he said. There was a furious leer on the face of the Master of Burials. So, after all his care, apprentices would never learn to make mistakes on his side.

"Ah, I thought so," I said, bowing; "permit me to trespass upon your generosity to the extent of a match or, say, a couple." Mr. Selwyn remained staring down at me for a moment, and I saw the points of his moustache positively curling with indignation. Then, without deigning a reply, he turned on his heel and strode away.

What has vexed her all this time has been that the sacrilege of events had put one factor in the problem out of reach, beyond her control: she has been used to having all she wanted of the earth, and deigning to want but little of it and to value that little but lightly.

She appeared soon in a tightly closed litter. Ramses received her in a separate chamber. "I was," said he, "outside thy house one evening." "Oh, Astaroth!" cried the priestess. "To what must I attribute this high favor? And what hindered thee, worthy lord, from deigning to summon thy slave?" "Some beasts were there, Assyrians, I suppose."

Although his gun was empty, he struck the breech of it with his finger; and then he turned away, not deigning even once to look back again; and Lorna saw his giant figure striding across the meadow-land, as if the Ridds were nobodies, and he the proper owner.

"How I wish we could see her, she must be worth looking at, indeed. Mother, have you seen this last one of Vera?" "Beauty is a snare," the old lady would answer viciously, hardly deigning to glance at the lovely face; "and your sister seems to me, Marion, to be dressed up like an actress, most unlike my idea of a modest English girl."

Orion politely declined, and when at length he quitted the room without deigning even to look at the Negro Amru accompanied him into the anteroom. There he grasped the young man's hand, and said in a low voice full of sincere and fatherly interest: "Beware of the Negro; you let him perceive that you saw through him it was brave but rash. For my part I honestly wish you well."