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"That's the idea," said Alex quietly. "You'll not be tenderfeet when you finish this trip." "Her Onkle Deek, she'll tol' me something about those boy," said Moise, from the fireside. "She'll say she's good boy, all same like man." Jesse looked at Moise gravely, but did not smile at his queer way of speech, for by this time they had become better acquainted with both their guides.

"Por Dios!" he wailed, "it iss Limping Deek!" and so fled. Dick followed up his advantage, forcing the pace, but Ockley would have none of it until he had worked himself into the middle of the floor; then suddenly coming again, got home with a tremendous right which Dick failed to stop with anything better than his left cheek-bone.

There was Pat McMahon, th' Frinchman, that bate Looey Napoleon; an' O'Donnell, the Spanish juke; an' O'Dhriscoll an' Lynch, who do be th' whole thing down be South America, not to mention Patsy Bolivar. Ye can't go annywhere fr'm Sweden to Boolgahria without findin' a Turk settin' up beside th' king an' dalin' out th' deek with his own hand.

"Henri, friend, I knew I should find ye," said Dick, cutting the thongs that bound him. "Get up if ye can, we haven't much time to lose, an' mayhap we'll have to fight afore we're done wi' the Red-skins. Can ye rise?" Henri could do nothing but lie on his back and gasp, "Eh! possible! mon frere! Oh, non, non, not possible. Oui! my broder Deek!"

He reports another loss Deek, one of the best pulling dogs, developed the same symptoms which have so unaccountably robbed us before, spent a night in pain, and died in the morning. Wilson thinks the cause is a worm which gets into the blood and thence to the brain. It is trying, but I am past despondency. Things must take their course.

"Deek yon, Davy," exclaimed Howison, at this interesting moment, and now addressing the worthy just named, who had by this time come up alongside of him, and was also indulging himself in a bird's-eye view of the party round the corner of the close. "Deek yon, Davy. He's aff like a paitrik: but we'll bring him up wi' a short turn, I'm thinkin. We'll pit a slug through his wing.

"Henri, friend, I knew I should find ye," said Dick, cutting the thongs that bound him. "Get up if ye can; we haven't much time to lose, an' mayhap we'll have to fight afore we're done wi' the Redskins. Can ye rise?" Henri could do nothing but lie on his back and gasp, "Eh! possible! mon frere! Oh, non, non, not possible. Oui! my broder Deek!"

Deek is the worst, but I begin to think all will pull through. Thursday, April 6, A.M. The weather continued fine and clear yesterday one of the very few fine days we have had since our arrival at the hut. The sun shone continuously from early morning till it set behind the northern hills about 5 P.M. The sea froze completely, but with only a thin sheet to the north.