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Some moskeeters are fat, but these don't get a square meal often enough to be anything but hide-racks filled with cussedness. Moskeeters! My godfreys domino!" Ezra was no longer assistant lightkeeper. He and his superior had quarreled two days before. The quarrel was the culmination, on Ezra's part, of a gradually developing "grouch" brought on by the loneliness of his surroundings.

In the bottom of his pan, shining among a film of black sand, lay half a dozen bright specks, varying from pin-point size to the bigness of a grain of wheat. "That's the stuff," Bill murmured. "Only it seems rather far-fetched for your poet to blame inanimate matter for the cussedness of humanity in general. I suppose, though, he thought he was striking a highly dramatic note.

I knew just such a thing as this would happen to me in my old age for a long life of cussedness. And what's more, I'll wager I'll never be able to give a great husky thing like you away. You cost as much to feed as a man. Who'd want you?" But even as he stormed at me I felt his strong old arms cease from their tremblings and clasp me with a very rough tenderness.

You've struck the trail we all stan' on some time, pardner, an' that trail is mostly called the 'One-Way Trail. It's a slick, broad trail, an' one as is that smooth to the foot as you're like to find anywheres. It's so dead easy you can't help goin' on, an' you on'y larn its cussedness when you kind o' notion gittin' back.

He did not propose to go with him and be made to pull milk carts. He preferred to stay where he was as he liked the excitement of a circus life. When Billy did not go to Mike, it made the clown laugh and he said: "There, I told you so. The goat never saw you before." "Yes, he has," said Mike, "but it is just like his cussedness to pretend he don't know me."

I shall try and remember that he's the son of his father, and not expect too much of him. It's long odds I shall find points of resemblance a-plenty between us and the more cussedness he develops, the more I shall see myself in him reflected. I don't mean to be hard on dad. He was always good to me, in his way.

I don't suppose many of you would believe the innate cussedness of a burro when it wants to be that way. Casey hazed this one to the hills and back down the trail for half a mile before he rushed it into a clump of greasewood and sneaked up on it when it thought itself hidden from all mortal eyes. After that he dug heels into the sand and hung on.

This appears a startling statement and a sweeping; but, as a matter of fact, the Eastern girl is not left, like her Western sister, to flirt and frivol into middle age in single "cussedness," but almost invariably becomes a respectable married lady at ten or twelve, and drapes her lovely, but not over clean, head in the mantle of old sacking, which it is de rigueur for matrons to adopt.

Thorpe's men, however, were all old-timers, and nothing of the sort occurred. At first it made him catch his breath to see the apparent chances they took; but after a little he perceived that seeming luck was in reality a coolness of judgment and a long experience in the peculiar ways of that most erratic of inanimate cussedness the pine log. The banks grew daily. Everybody was safe and sound.

"Champers, my old buggy is like a rocking chair. Let me take you home with me for a few days while you are wearing patches on your head," Horace Carey suggested. Darley Champers stared at his helper in surprise. Then he said slowly: "Say, Doc, I've hated you a good many years for doin' just such tricks for folks. It was my cussedness made me do it, I reckon.