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How many of them inherit the valiant genius and hard frugality which built up their fortunes; how many acknowledge the stern and heavy responsibility of their opportunities; how many refuse to dream their lives away in a Sybarite luxury; how many are smitten with the lofty ambition of achieving an enduring name by works of a permanent value; how many do not dwindle into dainty dilettanti, and dilute their manhood with factitious sentimentality instead of a hearty human sympathy; how many are not satisfied with having the fastest horses and the "crackest" carriages, and an unlimited wardrobe, and a weak affectation and puerile imitation of foreign life?

"Never mind, we got the mile, and that was the crackest thing of all. We had to beat Smedley and Branscombe, both only Branscombe he's Bickers's prefect didn't run it out last week. Smedley's time was 4.50. Ainger and Stafford ran for us; and Ranger was put on the track with 200 yards start to force the pace. "Stafford was out of it easily; but Ranger stuck to it like a Trojan.

“I generally like soldiers,” she admitted, still much surprised at the turn the conversation had taken. “Then I was a soldier.” “Butreally?” “I held a commission in one of the crackest cavalry regiments,” he began dramatically, and yet with a great air of sincerity. “I was considered one of the most promising officers in the mess. It nearly broke my heart to leave the service.”

Hear I the roaring streams from Pirohitee's peak of spears, when they leap down the crags and drown the villages? The blast, the blast! Up, spine, and meet it! How the sea rolls swashing 'gainst the side! Stand by for reefing, hearties! the winds are just crossing swords, pell-mell they'll go lunging presently. Crack, crack, old ship! so long as thou crackest, thou holdest! Well done!

And that's just where it is. But you was talking about your Horse Guards now?" I explained briefly some peculiarities of equipment connected with our crackest crack cavalry. I grieve to say the camp roared. "Take 'em over swampy ground. Let 'em run around a bit an' work the starch out of 'em, an' then, Almighty, if we wouldn't plug 'em at ease I'd eat their horses."

Stand by for reefing, hearties! the winds are just crossing swords, pell-mell they'll go lunging presently. DANISH SAILOR. Crack, crack, old ship! so long as thou crackest, thou holdest! Well done! The mate there holds ye to it stiffly. He's no more afraid than the isle fort at Cattegat, put there to fight the Baltic with storm-lashed guns, on which the sea-salt cakes!

The game gunners will pop 'em with little harpoons, with long threads tied to 'em, and the feller that can tire out his bird, and haul him in with the longest and thinnest piece of spool thread, will be the crackest sportsman." At this point I remarked to my companion that perhaps he was a little hard on the game fishermen.

The patriots were, however, both better led and better disciplined than their opponents, and fought with a courage and a resolution that on their native plains would have made them formidable foes for the "crackest" of European cavalry. The encounter took place when we were within a few hundred yards of Mejia's left flank.