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Notice the entire omission of the borrowed cloak taken from his wife, Mulier, by Menaechmus and given to the Courtisan, Erotium; also, of the character of the parasite, Peniculus, by means of whom as a spiteful informer the wife is told of her husband's relations with Erotium and the dinner he proposes to take with her.

Thus the "Courtisan and Benefice-eater" attacks the parasite of the Roman Court, who absorbs ecclesiastical revenues wholesale, putting in perfunctory locum tenens on the cheap, and begins: I'm fairly called a Simonist and eke a Courtisan, And here to every peasant and every common man My knavery will very well appear.

The greater bore, the courtisan propre, is still admired at little serene courts, where, well-dressed and well-drilled his back much bent with Germanic bows; not a dangerous creature would only bore you to death. We come next to our own blue bores the most dreaded of the species, the most abused sometimes with reason, sometimes without.

In which Act did these larger social complications arise, and how are they carried on in the present Act. Show how by means of these larger circles of complication, e.g., the arrests, the visits of the Courtisan to Adriana in the attempt to get back her ring, the conjurring scenes, etc., the confusion becomes extreme.

The different treatment of the dinner incident which causes the husband to mean to dine at home, until he finds he cannot, when with others he invites the courtisan to dine with them at an Inn, lends a different color to the story. What do you think it effects as to character, amusingness, and unity with the plot of mistaken identity?

The courtier-bore has sometimes crept into the English parliament. But is common on the continent: infinite varieties, as le courtisan propre, courtisan homme d'etat, and le courtisan philosophe a curious but not a rare kind in France, of which M. de Voltaire was one of the finest specimens.

Since the dramatist was so daring as to cause it to be suggested, it was incumbent upon him at once to devise something to prevent it from being done. The way in which he has accomplished this through Balthazar, puts both Antipholus and his guest in an estimable light. Show its effect upon the present scene and upon both the character-interest and the scenes to come in which the Courtisan figures.

Harvey had accused him of "prostituting his pen like a courtisan," and Nash makes this curious and not very lucid statement in selfdefence: "Neither will I deny it nor will I grant it.

Mais M. Bunsen, l'artisan de la complication de Cologne, n'a pas la main heureuse, et la fecondite de son genie, secondant son ardeur de courtisan, pourroit bien, en pretendant servir les tendances vagues de piete de son maitre, embarquer celui-ci dans les plus graves difficultes en provoquant l'opposition des vieux protestans reunis aux rationalistes allemands.

Racine, qui avoit ete toute sa vie courtisan tres attentif, etoit enterre a Port Royal des Champs dont les solitaires s'etoient attires l'indignation de Louis XIV. M. de Boissy, celebre par ses distractions, disoit, "Racine n'auroit pas fait cela de son vivant."