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Such were Clara's inward interjections while poor Willoughby burned himself out with verdigris flame having the savour of bad metal, till the hollow of his breast was not unlike to a corroded old cuirass, found, we will assume, by criminal lantern-beams in a digging beside green-mantled pools of the sullen soil, lumped with a strange adhesive concrete.

All the money in this town couldn't buy this rusty knife " as he seized a corroded blade set in a horn handle, yellowed with age. And eagerly he continued the hunt. Fifteen minutes later he had accumulated a pair of scissors, two rubber combs, another knife, a revolver, an automatic, several handfuls of cartridges and a Cosmos bottle.

Instantly Bridge leaped to his feet. Without a word he tore the bed from before the door. "What are you doing?" cried the girl in a muffled scream. "I am going down to that woman," said Bridge, and he drew the bolt, rusty and complaining, from its corroded seat. "No!" screamed the girl, and seconding her the youth sprang to his feet and threw his arms about Bridge. "Please! Please!" he cried.

The feldspar of the granite rock exposed to the atmosphere is corroded very slowly indeed, by the effects of air and moisture, and in having the soluble earth or calcareous part of its composition dissolved; the surface of this stone, thus, in a long course of time, becomes opaque in having the white siliceous earth exposed to view, and thus appears like a calcined substance.

Take an Example hereof from Silver, which is dissolved, fair, pure and fine in these our Waters, but if it stand a night therein while the Water is strong and full of Spirits, I tell you, your good Silver will be corroded to nothing in these our Waters; and though you would reduce it into a Massie Body, you cannot; for it will remain as a pale yellow Earth, and sometimes it will run together in the form of Horn, or of a white Horse Hoof, which you can by no Art reduce into a Body.

She was only the empty and corroded shell of a woman, all that once aspired and lived and hoped in her eaten away by the acid currents of that underground world into which she had fallen.

They talk bad German, hum airs out of tune, insist on speaking French instead of their own tongue, attract everybody's attention at restaurants and railway-stations, in short, behave exactly as each American insists other Americans behave in Europe. The book is filled with little portraits, made "peradventure with a pen corroded."

Over the corroded iron rocks strata of red earth and deeper crimson ore ran like the streaky stains of monstrous and unhuman murders committed in aeons past. Not a particle of vegetation was visible; there were no lichens nor starry flowers. There was no life save that of the black birds which winged restlessly about the sky and squawked in grotesque mockery at the region and its doom.

On most subjects, Jefferson's opinions were dictated by his feelings. He takes so little pains to conceal this weakness, that we can hardly suppose he was aware of it. Contradiction he could not bear. Opposition of any kind produced a bitter feeling. Vanity, latent perhaps, but acrid, corroded his judgment of his adversaries.

The Coliseum itself is no approach to it, so much do a multiplicity and irregularity of ruins add to the vastness of the vast enclosure. Before these heaps of red corroded masonry, these round vaults spanning the air like the arches of a mighty bridge before these crumbling walls, you wonder whether an entire city did not once exist there.