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The childishness of the old criticism which attaches the label of some moral from the copybook to each piece, as its lesson and point of moral aim, is evident. In repudiating this Rousseau was certainly right.

On her return to her room she opened the case and perceived lying on top of the other contents a number of letters from her brothers and other letters, with the handwriting of which she was not familiar; then she found a neat little bundle containing the few letters which her parents had addressed to her: these were followed by two books of her mother's household accounts, a little copybook dating back to her own schooldays and containing entries of timetables and exercises, a few programmes of the dances which she had attended when a young girl, and, finally, Emil Lindbach's letters, which were wrapped up in blue tissue paper, torn here and there.

He was occupied with these matters one morning late in October when a letter came addressed in a handwriting of copybook carefulness, but showing in every painstaking stroke the writer's want of training, which, when he read it, filled Sewell with dismay.

1900 A fifth removal; the whole structure solidly rebuilt, containing the martyred President, his wife, and their three children, as well as the grandson bearing Abraham's name. In a copybook, at the age of nine or ten: Abraham Lincoln, his hand and pen. he will be good, but god knows when.

He got the sounds of the letters by heart, then cut off the bark of a tree, carved the letters on the smooth inside, and learned them. He wanted to learn how to write. He had charge of a warehouse where he had a chance to see the size and form of letters. He made the beach of the river his copybook, and thus he learned to write.

The old copybook maxims recurred to him and were treated with derision. He knew that he would never become Lord Mayor of London after a prosperous career in a dingy office which he had formerly swept out with a housemaid's broom.

All the time I was keeping a diary of my adventures ... in a large, brown copybook, with flexible covers. I carried it, tightened away, usually, in the lining of my coat, but occasionally I left it under the mattress of my bunk. Nippers observed me writing in it one day. That night it was gone. I surmised who had taken it.

Elsie," to a little girl of eight, sitting alone at a desk near one of the windows, and bending over a slate with an appearance of great industry, "every figure of that example must be correct, your geography lesson recited perfectly, and a page in your copybook written without a blot."

This is a more serious charge than Molly's assertion that they all use toothpicks." "I repeat that I do not believe there is an honest man in that Capitol." "Do you know this? Have you investigated the life of every man in the Senate and the House?" "What a good district attorney you would make!" "You are talking a lot of copybook platitudes with which you have allowed your mind to stagnate.

He settled himself a little more comfortably in his chair, and pressing the tips of his fingers together, looked at her over this pointed rampart of polished nails as though she were something altogether curious and remarkable. "The virtues of a woman are her wealth and worth," he said sententiously, as though he were quoting a maxim out of a child's copybook.