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Iv aw hed a houd o' mo lass, it's noan o' yere aw'd be a coomin' wi' her. It's reet streight whoam to her mother we'd be gooin', aw'll be beawn. Nay, nay, mon! aw'm noan sich a greight foo as yo tak mo for. Exit. COL. G. follows him. Enter. GER. Sits down before the Psyche, but without looking at her. Ger. Oh those fingers! They are striking terrible chords on my heart! I will conquer it.

The top gate was fast, but David climbed the wall and stood there a while, hands in his pockets, legs apart, whistling and looking. 'They can't see t' Downfall from Stockport to-day, he was saying to himself; 'it's coomin ower like mad.

Got a job aboard that dock going with her to Buenos Aires Say, slow-boy, is that dory of yours anchored, or is it really coming this way?" "Coomin' that way, sor!" wheezed the waterman from below. "That's a coincidence," observed the stranger, twirling his pale mustache. "I had a berth on her, too." He indicated a huge English kit bag at his feet.

Eh, but he's a smart little dug, we quite look for him of a morning coomin' for his constitutionil, fur arl the worl' like a Chreestian! 'Like a very greedy Christian! said his disgusted mistress. 'Daisy, she said, when she returned to the pony-cart, 'it's all true!

I'm not going to let t' lasses at Cohen's call me a country gauvie, same as they did when I first came to Leeds. But I'll tell you what I'll do. Woodhouse Feast'll be coomin' on soon, and I'll take you there, sure as my name's Mary Briggs. There'll be summat more for your brass nor mell-suppers, an' guisers an' dolls.

Efter a while I felt a bit sleepy; 'twere t' nippy air, an' mebbe t' seet o' t' fallin' watter dazed my een. Onygates, I fell asleep an' slept for better pairt of an hour. When I wakkened t' mooin were well-nigh settin', an' I could see that t' cockleet were coomin' away i' t' east. So I reckoned I'd get back to my bed. But just then I saw summat movin' about on t' other side o' t' beck.

"Well, onyways the women is all in a flutter about the votin'," said Halsey, lighting his pipe with old hands that shook. "An' there's chaps already coomin' round lookin' out for it." "You bet there is!" was Batts's amused reply. "But they'll take their toime, will the women.

Margaret appeared unconvinced. "Eh, he'd be more bother than he was worth," she remarked trenchantly. "Think 'o th' litter alone he'd mak' coomin' in an' out o' th' house. It's bad enough to be cleanin' up arter th' cats an' the dog poor dumb things, they knows no better! But a mon stumpin' in an' out wi's dirty boots, an' clooes as 'ud allus want mendin', an' stockin's weerin' at th' 'eel!