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This affair broke the ice, and after that there was a close intimacy between the Governor and the members of the Legislature, both Democrats and Republicans, and this cooeperation soon brought about the enactment of the whole Wilson programme. Never before had so comprehensive a programme been so expeditiously acted upon by a legislative body.

They gather around it and plant gardens with the bright-colored balls; they use it for geography, moulding the hills, mountains, valleys, and tracing the rivers near their homes; they arrange historical dramas, as "Paul Revere's Ride," or the "Landing of the Pilgrims:" but no child does any one of these things alone; there is constant and happy cooeperation.

He obtained, besides, great resources in cattle and horses, and it seemed possible that he might obtain the cooeperation of the plainsmen of the Apure Valley, the old followers of Boves, now followers of Jose Antonio Paez, a lover of personal liberty and a sworn foe of the Spanish regime. Piar's Death. Victory of Calabozo. Second Defeat at La Puerta. Submission of Paez

To the Frenchman conscription means merely the most effective method of applying patriotism, of cooeperation for the common cause. France has mobilized not only her men, but her women and children, it might be said, so thoroughly have the civilian elements worked into the shops and other non-military labor.

In the third and fourth acts we hear no more of the conspirators, aside from some expressions of regret for the delay, and attention is concentrated upon Tell, who has hitherto taken no part except to rescue Baumgarten and to refuse his cooeperation at the Ruetli, on the ground that he is not the man for a confab, and that 'the strong man is mightiest alone'.

He was seized for the third time in 1797, by the Directory, as an adherent of the Pichegru faction, and banished from France. In January, 1798, Mr. Pitt again sent for Miranda, and a new plan was arranged for the emancipation of South America. On this occasion, the cooeperation of the United States was confidently relied upon.

From seven to twelve, games are almost exclusively individualistic and competitive, but in early adolescence "two elements predominate first, the plays are predominantly team games, in which the individual is more or less sacrificed for the whole, in which there is obedience to a captain, in which there is cooeperation among a number for a given end, in which play has a program and an end.

Before the reign of Louis XIV it was a question which might fairly be considered undecided: whether the country would be able or not, willing or not, to cooeperate with its rulers in the work of the government and the reform of abuses. On more than one occasion such cooeperation did not seem entirely impossible or improbable.

While Huerta in Mexico was blatantly denouncing this benevolent policy of cooeperation and helpfulness, aid and comfort were rendered the usurper by the jingoistic criticisms of the President's enemies in the United States Congress and throughout the country, many of whom, urged on by the oil interests, in their mad delirium, cried out for a blood-and-iron policy toward Mexico.

Germany had been successful in buying the cooeperation of Bulgaria as it tried to buy Italy's neutrality, at the expense of Austria. There were other factors in the case of Bulgaria that worked to the German advantage, but the method is clear. Not the voice of the piazza, but the secret agreement of "responsible government," in other words, the control of despotic, German rulers.