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He secured the cooeperation of other German princes. He concluded an alliance with Henry II. of France. He arranged with Magdeburg, which he had been besieging, to make it a place of refuge if there should be need of an asylum.

Congress conferred upon Bolivar the title of Libertador, and placed in his hands supreme military authority over all the forces of the country. In order to insure close cooeperation between the civil administration and the military operations, he was vested with political and executive authority.

He felt it incumbent upon him to save this man from a menace which he, Paul Harley, evidently recognized to be real, although to me it appeared wildly chimerical, and the very person upon whose active cooeperation he naturally counted not only seemed resigned to his fate, but by deliberate omission of important data added to Harley's difficulties.

Jefferson, after the expiration of his second term, wrote to Don Valentino de Fornonda as follows: "I solemnly and on my personal truth and honor declare to you that this was entirely without foundation, and that there was neither cooeperation nor connivance on our part.

After making prize of my friend De Repentigny and bringing him off with me, as I mentioned to you, I got quickly out of the Chateau." "You did rightly, Philibert: the Intendant is ruining half the young men of birth in the Colony." "He shall not ruin Le Gardeur if I can save him," said Philibert, resolutely. "May I count upon your Excellency's cooeperation?" added he. "Assuredly, Philibert!

We need it to help in the absorption and amalgamation of our foreign element; for the social training, the opportunity for cooeperation, and the purely republican form of government in the kindergarten make it of great value in the development of the citizen-virtues, as well as those of the individual.

He was not easily persuaded to the undertaking until he felt assured of the very hearty cooeperation which the proposed title of "Conversations" made evident to him. The following note will give some idea of his feeling with regard to the plan. CONCORD, 24th February, 1872.

So that all around that table there was cooeperation generous cooeperation of mind to make that document as good as we could make it. And I believe it is a thoroughly sound document. There is only one misleading sentence in it only one sentence that conveys a wrong impression.

After the reign of Louis XIV such cooeperation of the ruler and the ruled became impossible. The government of France had become a machine depending upon the action of a single spring. Spontaneity in the population at large was extinct, and whatever there was to do must be done by the central authority.

First, men joined hands in offensive and defensive alliance; second, they found that, even when wars were over, still communication, intercourse, and exchange of goods were desirable; third, they discovered that no great enterprise which would better their condition would be possible without cooeperation; and, fourth, they began to band themselves together here and there, not only for their own protection, for their own gain, but to watch over the weak, to succor the defenseless, and even to uphold some dear belief.