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I've only seen him once, but that was more than enough. Smoke! Women are regular conundrums. There's that one, as true and big-hearted a creature as ever breathed look at the pluck she showed to-night and yet she goes and throws herself away on a miserable crawler who can't even respect the trust his employers placed in him. What does it mean to her?

"Do you know I 've been trying to get a chance to speak with you alone all day?" he said. "Have you?" she replied in a perfectly inexpressive tone. "Can't you guess what I wanted to say?" "I 'm not good at conundrums." "I see you will not help me," he went on, and then added quickly, "it's a short story; will you be my wife?"

Miss Mitchell had a stock of conundrums on hand, and was a good guesser. She told her stories at all times when they happened to come into her mind.

"How much money do you think I have in my pocket?" "I don't know, I am sure. I am not good at guessing conundrums." "Just ten cents." "That isn't much," said Jasper, indifferently. "Let me have a dollar, thats a good fellow!" "You seem to think I am made of money," said Jasper sharply. "I haven't got much more myself." "Then you might have. You get a good salary." "Only seven dollars."

Julien became completely bewildered among these various documents, the explanations in which were harder to understand than conundrums.

But that only raises the further question, What is a tonsil? And to that no answer can be given but Echo's. They are one of the conundrums of physiology. All we know of them is that they are not true glands, as they have neither duct nor secretion, but masses of simple embryonic tissue called lymphoid, which has a habit of grouping itself about the openings of disused canals.

"But, like every one else!" "Every one?" she asked, persistently. "Is there any other way of being married?" "Yes." "I do not in the least understand this manner of asking conundrums; if you are alluding to a fashionable custom of which I know nothing, say so frankly. That will not wound me, since I am the first to declare that I know nothing of it. What do you wish?"

This modest shopkeeper acted according to the democratic law and followed the instinct of a noble and wise ambition. He made of his son a sensible and intelligent boy a machine to copy documents, and spend his days guessing the conundrums in the illustrated newspapers, which he read as easily as M. Ledrain would decipher the cuneiform inscriptions on an Assyrian brick.

He said to himself that he shouldn't be surprised by such restlessness when life's conundrums were so horrific. The passage of a few years, and the passage through a thousand times of falling asleep could not even restore one's equilibrium in something so horrific. He shook off his sleep like a dog its wetness.

You were speaking to me a moment ago in conundrums, and you have aroused my curiosity to a most uncomfortable degree." Whereupon Joe sat down and told what had happened all that had happened from Monday night to that very moment. Each little incident he related, every detail, not forgetting his conversations with 'Frisco Kid nor his plans concerning him.