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I only telegraphed to you to know where we should meet, and received your message to come here." "You never wrote me from San Francisco?" "Never." Stacy looked concernedly at his friend. Was he in his right mind? He had heard of cases where melancholy brooding on a fixed idea had affected the memory.

Stanlock said, concernedly. "They ought to be very careful. It will be getting dark before very long. It's cloudy and looks like more snow. How long have they been gone?" "About half an hour," Kittie answered. "I went out to the drug store to get something for my toothache, and when I came back they was gone." This was the first reference that Mrs.

"Oh no," said North, concernedly, "we were never as bad as that. We did have a variety troupe up from the city three or four nights, but they weren't stars by as far as light can travel in the same length of time. I always like a few home comforts even when I'm roughing it. But don't tell me you prefer to stay in the city during summer. I don't believe it.

He was speechlessly sorry for her, and sat by her holding her hand, watching her concernedly, until she asked to be put back into bed again. That was on a Sunday. The Sunday marked his memory. It disappointed him so bitterly to find that Marie was not stronger. After all the chickens and grapes, and doctors' and nurses' fees, she was not strong; and what could he do more for her?

Murch, concernedly going over the figures which showed the present condition of the Salamander's finances, felt a chill of doubt striking into his usually impassive veins. "You've been losing money for the company faster than I can make it," he said coldly to Wellwood.

He had come single-handed save for his man Rabecque; and in a manner that was worthy of being made the subject of an epic, he had carried her out of Condillac, away from the terrible Dowager and her cut-throats. The thought of them sent a shiver through her. "Do you feel the cold?" he asked concernedly; and that the wind might cut her less, he slackened speed.

Glass fell like hail; dogs vamosed; chickens flew, squawking; feminine voices shrieked concernedly to youngsters at large. The din was perforated at intervals by the /staccato/ of the Terror's guns, and was drowned periodically by the brazen screech that Quicksand knew so well. The occasions of Calliope's low spirits were legal holidays in Quicksand.

A week later Mr Hesketh was concernedly accosted in Main Street by a boy on a bicycle. "Say, mister, how's the dook?" "What duke?" asked Hesketh, puzzled. "Oh, any dook," responded the boy, and bicycled cheerfully, away. Christmas came and went.

Where do they live, Norma?" "At 605 Bridge Street. It's almost a mile from here. So Miss Marsh said." "To go back to what you said a while ago, Judy, what makes you think there is any special reason for the girls' refusing you and Adrienne and Jane as escorts?" questioned Norma concernedly. "Jane and I just think so. That's all. We think some one's to blame for it." "To blame.

Most of the nice ones got married during the war the servants you loved and regarded as part of the family and nine-tenths of those that are left have no sense of even giving good work in return for their wages let alone civility! The tradition of good service has gone." "Have you been having much bother, then?" asked St. John concernedly. "You never used to have trouble with maids." "No.