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As Mikah dragged himself to his feet, Jason took careful aim and sent the tray and dishes hurtling into the smoking ruin of the jump computer. "There's your fact," he said in cheerful triumph. "Your incontrovertible, gold-plated, uranium-cored fact. "We're not going to Cassylia any more!" "You've killed us both," Mikah said with his face strained and white but his voice under control.

But the ship’s computer had done the work, and it was not capable of making a mistake. Kemp tossed up the last section of thorium and then came out of the hole himself, carrying his torch. Rip inspected the hole, saw with satisfaction it was in almost perfect alignment, and ordered the bomb placed.

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Sal, another computer genius, had taken to heart Rama's caveat that disciples were stealing his power. But beneath his fears was a gentle, humorous soul, and I missed him. I missed Rachel, the doctor, who had continued to support the Centre financially, and who had apparently forgotten about the "Garage Door Opener Incident."

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