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The Admiral having been informed that when captured the Compania de Filipinas was flying the Spanish flag abstained from interfering in the matter and handed the French Consul's protest over to me, affirming at the same time that he and his forces were in no way concerned in the matter.

In this capital I found thirty-four thousand dollars in silver and a draft on the Compañia General de Tabacos for twenty thousand dollars which can be collected here... "The bearer can give you more details concerning the abuses committed in this province of Vizcayana by the forces of Mayor Duflin Esquizel.

"They don't really dance. It's the fever in your head. It's the hard work and the bad water that does it. You are sick for weeks and there is no medicine. The fever comes on every evening, and then you are as strong as two men. One night the compania are lying drunk with mescal. They have brought back sacks of silver dollars from a ride, and they drink to celebrate.

Out of the pool below there resounded a tuneful croaking of frogs: it spoke of many waters.... Presently an Italian workman or gardener with curly grey hair and moustache the ubiquitous Italian came up and began to talk, per fare un po' di compania. He conversed delightfully, a smile playing about his kindly old face.

'Assistance, in the name of Liberty! "'That's the Compañia Azul, the President's bodyguard, says Jones. 'What a shame! They've jumped on poor old Mary just because he was helping us to celebrate. Come on, boys, it's our Fourth; do we let that little squad of A.D.T's break it up? "'I vote No, says Martin Dillard, gathering his Winchester.

Fiercely whiskered and grave, a shade less supple in his walk, the vigour and symmetry of his powerful limbs lost in the vulgarity of a brown tweed suit, made by Jews in the slums of London, and sold by the clothing department of the Compania Anzani, Captain Fidanza was seen in the streets of Sulaco attending to his business, as usual, that trip.

And if we miss her by some mischance, we must keep away from the land till we grow weak, and perhaps mad, and die, and drift dead, until one or another of the steamers of the Compania comes upon the boat with the two dead men who have saved the treasure.

But one copy is known to exist the one which was in Retana's collection, now the property of the Compañia General de Tabacos de Filipinas, Barcelona. For this reason, we present this document in both the Spanish text and English translation the former being printed from an exact transcription made from the original document at Barcelona. Años de 1567 á 1599; est. 67, caj. 6, leg. 6."

Spain instituted a ship-construction bounty system in 1880, when her merchant marine was languishing, and in 1886 a comprehensive system of mail subventions, contracting for the whole ocean service with a single steamship company, La Compañia Transatlantica Española.

Also, I wish to inform you that we have done nothing to the Compañia General de Tabacos, for we have learned from their records that much of their stock is held by Frenchmen, and consequently we fear a conflict. For this reason we await your orders on this matter. We took all the arms we found in their possession, however."