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The man entered, carrying, not a despatch, but a package, which he proffered with a salute. "With the Commander-in-Chief's compliments, sir!" he announced. The package was a box of cigars! But that was before the days of "K ." But the night is wearing on. It is half-past one time to knock off work.

If the English fleet was favored by circumstances, and it is rare that in such enterprises one can succeed without the aid of fortune, it was above all the Commander-in-chief's quickness of perception, the accuracy of his judgment, and the rapidity of his decisions that assured success."

Every one who has ever visited London has seen and admired the gigantic horsemen who sit on mighty black steeds, one on either side of the archway facing Whitehall, and who are presumed at once to guard the commander-in-chief's head-quarters and to serve as "specimen bricks" of the finest cavalry corps in the world. Splendid fellows they are!

But we can't run to the pomp and circumstance of a Commander-in-Chief's guard here. 15th May, 1915. H.M.T. "Arcadian." Till 3 p.m. the perspiring Staff were re-embarking their gear. Sailed then for Helles when I saw Hunter-Weston who gave me a full account of the attacks made on the newly gained bluff upon our left. Shells busy bursting on "W" Beach.

The area of discretion of the commander-in-chief should not be invaded; for if it be invaded, not only may orders be given without knowledge of certain facts in the commander-in-chief's possession, but the commander-in-chief will have his difficulties increased by the very people who are trying to help him.

"If you have the bad luck to be captured again, I shall know that your absence will be temporary and, if it became necessary to appoint anyone else to your command, it would only be until your return." On leaving the commander-in-chief's quarters, the adjutant general asked Terence when he thought of rejoining his regiment. "I am going to start at once, sir.

I was sent aloft to look out for the ships of the commander-in-chief's division, and didn't think of the heel of the top-gallant-mast's being too loose, at all." "Ay, that's the way with all the youngsters, now-a-days.

They needed sleep poor beggars! but the Germans did not let them take much. Colonel Childs went into the Commander-in-Chief's chateau and found a soldier in the front hall, licking out a jam-pot. "Where's the Commander-in-Chief?" asked the officer. "Gone hours ago, sir," said the soldier. "I was left behind for lack of transport. From what I hear the Germans ought to be here by now.

Before long other officers came to make similar inquiries, in various uniforms and in slightly varying degrees of smartness, from the representative of the War Office and the Commander-in-Chief's aide-de-camp to unpretending subalterns in undress uniform, who were on more or less friendly terms with Giovanni and were suddenly very proud of it, since he had become a hero.

For his conduct at Chapultepec he was mentioned in the Commander-in-Chief's dispatches, and publicly complimented on his courage. Shortly after the capture of the city, General Scott held a levee, and amongst others presented to him was Lieutenant Jackson.