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I've had all his private papers looked into and translated and in some cases decoded, because as you are probably aware his diaries and a great deal of his correspondence were in a code which called for the attention of experts." T. X. had not troubled himself greatly about Kara's private papers but had handed them over, in accordance with instructions, to the proper authorities. "Of course, Mr.

That was the first article in the code of chivalry toward women which ruled these first Kentuckians, as it rules most brave, strong men living simple, strenuous lives in the open. It ruled the judge also, as soon as he had time to think, and controlled him through all the fog that clouded his faculties.

For he had his code of ethics, his religion, and those who rebelled, who failed to conform, he excommunicated; a code something like the map of Europe, apparently inconsistent in places.

He pointed to the dressing-table. Byng snatched them, tore them open, read them. One had the single word, "Tomorrow." The other said, "Prepare." The code had been abandoned. Tragedy needs few words. They meant that to-morrow Kruger's ultimatum would be delivered and that the worst must be faced.

The two who dissented, invoking royal clemency and pardon, were Major-Generals by rank, Schwerin, as some write, one of them, or if not Schwerin, then Linger; and for certain, Donhof, two worthy gentlemen not known to any of my readers, nor to me, except as names, The rest are all coldly of opinion that the military code says Death.

Their tendency is to adopt and live up to the middle-class code of respectability. Neither by temperament nor by outlook are they equipped for the hardship of real labouring life. These are the men, rather, who get the lighter work required by the residential people in the villa gardens; or they fill odd places in the town, where character is wanted more than strength or skill.

Oh, it is wrong of a woman to yield to such intoxication when she must not and cannot make any return." "I understand. You have merely been coquetting with me, and " "Coquetting?" she repeated. "I detest coquetry. A coquette Armand, makes promises to many, and gives herself to none; and a woman who keeps such promises is a libertine. This much I believed I had grasped of our code.

He was unusually tall and strong for his years, and he had so trained himself in a strict code of conduct that a singular gravity and decision marked his bearing. This might have had much to do with the bond of affection between the man and the youth.

It is reported that flashes from the shields were used to convey news at the battle of Marathon. These seem to be the forerunners of the heliograph. But the heliograph using the dot-and-dash system of the Morse code can be used to transmit any message whatever.

It has no doubt that there is. But it is the universal code of courtesy, and not one restricted to newspapers. Good manners in civilized society are the same everywhere and in all relations. A newspaper is not a mystery.