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But although John would have supported the Bill, he was too honest to let himself be elected for a "rotten borough." So he declined, and Luxmore next tried to win him over by offering the lease of some important cloth-mills he owned; but these he would not take on credit, and he had no money to pay for them.

"Perhaps, as the reward of forbearance, the money will come some day when we least expect it; then John shall have his heart's desire, and start the cloth-mills at Enderley." John smiled, half-sadly. Every man has a hobby this was his, and had been for fifteen years.

"And I do believe, by common patience and skill, a man might make his fortune with it at those Enderley cloth-mills." "Suppose you try!" I said in half jest, and was surprised to see how seriously John took it. "I wish I could try if it were only practicable. Once or twice I have thought it might be. The mill belongs to Lord Luxmore. His steward works it.

As his riches increased, he bought a stately country mansion, named Beechwood, not far from Rose Cottage, ever dear in memory to him. Another son, Walter, was born there, and everything seemed to smile on him in his beautiful country home. Luxmore now sought to injure him by diverting the water from his cloth-mills, and leaving his great wheels idle.

The great cloth-mart to-day is for miles a region of tall chimneys and barrack-like edifices, within which steadily roars machinery that represents some of the most ingenious skill of the human race. Within this hive of busy industry there still linger some memorials of the past among its hundreds of cloth-mills. Turning out of the broad Briggate into the quiet street of St.

In one corner of the settlement, a petty bourgeois, there is no other word to define him, the son of a former serf, and himself born a serf, had made a mill-pond and erected cloth-mills. He was a quiet, unassuming man, but he was making over for himself a handsome house, formerly the residence of a noble.

He built factories, cloth-mills, silk-mills, paper-mills, dammed the North Sea out from the rich marshlands with great dikes, taught the farmers profitable ways of tilling their fields; for he was a wondrous manager for whom nothing was too little and nothing too big.

"You mean, when, yesterday, he offered me, by your lordship's express desire, the lease, lately fallen in, of your cloth-mills at Enderley?" Now, John had not told us that! why, his manner too plainly showed. "And all will be arranged, I trust? Brown says you have long wished to take the mills; I shall be most happy to have you for a tenant." "My lord, as I told your agent, it is impossible.