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You certainly will admit such a course is wrong for any young man. See the influence even, which Clinton's society has had upon you this evening. He has really induced you to think such practices here are allowable, and even commendable. This morning, without arguing the case, you voluntarily confessed it to be very wrong. Oh, Arthur, I already begin to wish we were out of this dreadful place."

I happened to know one of Mr. Will's young companions, an aide-de-camp of General Clinton's, who had been in my close company both at Charleston, before Sullivan's Island, and in the action of Brooklyn, where our General gloriously led the right wing of the English army.

The weather was mild, but a light fire, which had been kindled on Mr. Clinton's account, did not render the room too warm. It had, however, driven the young people into a remote corner, leaving the neighbourhood of the fire-place to Mrs. Graham and Emily, who occupied the sofa, and Mr. Clinton and Mr. Graham, whose arm-chairs were placed on the opposite side. This arrangement enabled Mr.

"Why should I? General Washington told me it was Eric who came for his father. Why should I suspect in this darkness?" "I I represented myself as Eric," she stammered. "And was it you also who rode into our lines yesterday, telling of Clinton's whereabouts?" "Yes," hesitatingly, her eyes lifting to my face. "But you must listen to me, Major Lawrence; you must learn why I did so unwomanly an act."

With Grace stood, of course, Hamilton Gregory; and, judging from Bob Clinton's regular visits, and his particular attentions to Grace, Fran classed him also as a victim of the enemy. It now seemed that Abbott Ashton followed the flag Noir; and behind these three leaders, massed the congregation of Walnut Street church, and presumably the town of Littleburg.

And there wuz a shirt of old Peter Stuyvesent's and a baby dress of De Witt Clinton's. I never mistrusted that he wuz ever a baby till I seen that dress. I'd always thought on him as the first Governor of New York. And speakin' of babys why, I wuz jest a-lookin' at that dress when I met Miss Job Presley, of Loontown. And I sez, almost the first thing, "Where is your baby?"

Washington surmised that Howe's scheme of sailing southward with an army aboard his ships was for the purpose of luring him away from the real point of attack, which was to be in the Highlands, so he wrote Putnam to be on the alert and to send spies down to New York to ascertain Clinton's plans.

At that moment there was a sudden opening in the crowd, and Mr. Delancey tottered forward, with features ashy pale, and the strong eyes softened almost to tears. "My son, my son!" A gleam of triumph shot into Clinton's gaze, as stretching forth his hand, he exclaimed: "Aye, father, behold your son!

His thorough acquaintance with the ways of some of the inhabitants of the Plains enabled him to prevent a catastrophe which would certainly have resulted in a serious loss of life, and brought Captain Clinton's scout to an inglorious end then and there.

On board the Vulture was the British officer who was treating with Arnold and who now came to arrange terms with him, Major John Andre, Clinton's young adjutant general, a man of attractive personality. Under cover of night Arnold sent off a boat to bring Andre ashore to a remote thicket of fir trees, outside the American lines. There the final plans were made.