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Everything, however, was cut up into miniature landscapes; little bridges and little temples adorned little canals and little mounds, miniature representations of streams and bills. "We visited the residence of the burgomaster. He was away and his servants permitted us to see the house. It was cleaning-day. Everything in the house was in keeping with the character of the village.

Isn't this a pretty business for Melvy to come bringing a sick tramp up here on general cleaning-day, too?" "Aren't all days cleaning-days to you, Sue?" asked the judge, playfully. "When you are in the house," she answered sharply. Then she turned to the doctor, who was starting up the stairs: "If this boy is in for a long spell, I want him moved somewhere.

He passed another day of reverie, and though it was cleaning-day, and the house, as usual in Dutch households, completely topsy-turvy, yet he sat unmoved amidst the general uproar. The third night he went to bed with a palpitating heart. He put on his red nightcap, wrong side outwards for good luck. It was deep midnight before his anxious mind could settle itself into sleep.

I was standing at the pantry-door, and saw him distinctly, and he nodded to me, and called something, but I could not hear what it was at that distance." "Where was Charity at that time, Mrs. Austin?" "Cleaning the house, Miss Miriam hard at work in the parlors, washing windows this is her cleaning-day, you know." "And cook, what was she about?"

On Sunday the 'common people' were in the streets; on Saturday it was cleaning-day and the Pension smelt of turpentine; Monday was for letter-writing, and other days were too hot or too cold, too windy or too wet. In the end she accomplished her heart's desire.

I must once more remind my readers that he had been to the back of the north wind. One day, which was neither washing-day, nor cleaning-day nor marketing-day, nor Saturday, nor Monday upon which consequently Diamond could be spared from the baby his father took him on his own cab. After a stray job or two by the way, they drew up in the row upon the stand between Cockspur Street and Pall Mall.

When you get outside the rooms she pauses, with her hand upon the door, to explain to you that they are rather untidy just at present, as the last lodger left only yesterday; and she also adds that this is their cleaning-day it always is. With this understanding you enter, and both stand solemnly feasting your eyes upon the scene before you. The rooms cannot be said to appear inviting.