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She looked like the old woman in the fairy-tale in her short black dress that came to her shoe-tops, snow-white apron and headkerchief, covered by a close-fitting nun-like hood only the edge of the handkerchief showed making her seem the old black saint that she was. It not being one of her cleaning-days, she had "kind o' spruced herself up a li'l mite," she said.

Isn't this a pretty business for Melvy to come bringing a sick tramp up here on general cleaning-day, too?" "Aren't all days cleaning-days to you, Sue?" asked the judge, playfully. "When you are in the house," she answered sharply. Then she turned to the doctor, who was starting up the stairs: "If this boy is in for a long spell, I want him moved somewhere.

The others seemed to despise it, and try to keep at a distance in their narrowness and regularity. The little square loopholes in the gables lifted their diminutive eyebrows in contempt; even the green door looked blank and scowling, as though at a possible rival. I fancy the housekeeper fretted at the larger curtain covering this wide, unwinking eye, and the extra labor required on cleaning-days.

The streets and walks are swept bare, but still the air is filled with flying sand that cuts my face like needles, when, later, overcoated and gloved to the utmost, I proceed downtown. Such days are Nature's cleaning days, very necessary to future health and comfort, but, like all cleaning-days, very unpleasant to go through with.