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The one that left the island forty years ago and started in the coach and cab line? Well, that's curious. Where's he living? Bless me, where's this it is, now? Chut! it's clane forgot at me. But I saw him myself coming home from Kimberley, and since then he's been writing constant. 'Send her across, says he; 'she'll be her own woman again like winking. And you never heard tell of him?

I must live on that until I get some employment, or perhaps some money of my own from England." "Chut, child! Nawnsnse!" exclaimed Mrs. Crawford, with benevolent intolerance. "You go right back to your husband. I spose youve had a rumpus with him; but you mustnt mind that. All men are a bit selfish; and I should say from what I have seen of him that he is no exception to the rule.

He is captain in your Garde Ecossais, and my 'ost told me 'e has distinguished himself as soldier pretty much. It may be so. As soldier, per'aps. But at conversation he is not so good. He is quite nice fellow, you understand 'andsome, yes; distinguished, yes. But he does not sparkle. He has not my verve, my elan. I how do you say? I make the rings round him. But, Chut!

'That should be easy, I said. The Cardinal looked at me. 'Chut, man! what do you know about it? he answered bluntly. 'It is whispered at Cocheforet if a soldier crosses the street at Auch. In the house are only two or three servants, but they have the countryside with them to a man, and they are a dangerous breed. A spark might kindle a fresh rising.

"I am not about to fight for any sovereign, but for my country against the foreigner." "An excellent answer if the foreigner had invaded your country; but it seems that your country is going to invade the foreigner a very different thing. Chut! all this discussion is most painful to me.

You never have said, 'I am tired; I am sick of all; I have seen all. You have never felt what came after understanding. Chut, your talk is for children and missionaries. You are a prophet without a call, you are a leader without a man to lead, you are less than a child up here.

"Why, the bear, your Reverence, the bear, Holy Father, who attacked your worshipful person while you were meditating on the top of yonder mountain." "Ah!" said the Holy Father, lying down again. "Chut, child! I would be at peace."

The hot color flushed her face once more; she was strong to the last to conceal that passion for which she was still content to perish in her youth. "Chut! We are comrades, and you are a brave man. I would do the same for any of my Spahis. Look you, I never heard of your arrest till I heard, too, of your sentence "

"I wish to do harm, my father, for men have broken the hearts of women for ages " "Chut, chut, thou baby! Men are not so black as they are painted. Harm no one, and the world will be better that thou hast lived in it."

She was but a child still in much, and she could be moved by the name of France as other children by the name of their mothers. "Chut! I did nothing," she said rapidly. "I only rode fast." The frenzied hurrahs of the men who heard her drowned her words. They loved her for what she had done; they loved her better still because she set no count on it.