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It is the lion number three, according to the American ranking of the historical edifices and localities of England. Stratford-upon-Avon, Westminster Abbey and Chatsworth are the three representative celebrities which our travellers think they must visit, if they would see the life of England's ages from the best stand-points. And this is the order in which they rank them.

It is the parlor pier-glass of the present century. It reflects the two images in vivid apposition the brilliant civilization of this last, unfinished age in which we live and the life of bygone centuries; that is, if Haddon Hall shows its face in it, or if you have the features of that antiquity before your eyes when you look into the Chatsworth mirror.

You may drive, I hear, through the grand one at Chatsworth for a quarter of a mile. You may ride through mine for fifteen miles on end.

The Journal gives the chronicle of the last weeks of the year: November 22nd. Visit to Chatsworth. Delane died. 23rd. Chatsworth. Long talk with Lord Hartington. 29th. Delane's funeral at Easthampstead. At Christmas severe illness came on gout and violent bleeding of the nose. I was totally laid up for two months.

Our family has held the estate of Boodle ever since the reign of Henry II.; and it is out of no ill will to my elder brother, or unnatural desire for his death, but only because the estate is a very good one, that I wish heartily it was mine: I would say as much of Chatsworth or Eaton Hall.

He took it up, and found an open note, which he read, at first without thinking of it: "My dear Lady, Chatsworth can't be done. I have thrown my flies with great skill, but no go! I don't seem to have influence enough in that quarter. But I have various other plans on hand. You shall have a jolly autumn, if I can manage it.

It is said that no man before Gibbons 'gave to wood the lightness of flowers. For the great houses of Burghley, Petworth, and Chatsworth, Gibbons carved exquisite work, in festoons for screens, and chimney-pieces, and panels for pictures, of fruit, flowers, shells, and birds. Sir Godfrey Kneller was born at Lübeck in 1646, and was the son of an architect.

'I could not answer your letter before this day, because I went on the sixth to Chatsworth, and did not come back till the post was gone. Many words, I hope, are not necessary between you and me, to convince you what gratitude is excited in my heart, by the Chancellor's liberality and your kind offices.

"What would you say, Aunt Mary, if Kent should bring a wife back to Chatsworth?" asked Molly. "Well, if it is that there Judy gal, I'd say, 'Glory be! She's sho jes' lak our own folks, if she do say her ma and pa ain't never owned they own home, but always been renters. That don' sound zactly lak quality, but since the war, that ain't sich a sho sign as it uster be.

At Chester the Princess named the new bridge which was opened on the occasion. By the wise moderation and self-repression of those around her, the name bestowed was not the "Victoria," but simply the "Grosvenor Bridge." From Eaton the Princess was taken to Chatsworth, the magnificent seat of the Cavendishes. She stayed long enough to see and hear something of romantic Derbyshire.