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Attention was now paid to the first wants of the travellers, who had great need of refreshments after the fatigues and exposure of the day. To obtain the latter, Roger de Blonay insisted that they should ascend to his castle, in whose grate the welcoming beacon still blazed. By means of chars-

He offered mother, who chars for him, £1 a week just to open and shut the windows, and she would not." "Would not! and why?" "The house is haunted: and the old woman who kept it was found dead in her bed, with her eyes wide open. They say the devil strangled her." "Pooh! you speak of Mr. J . Is he the owner of the house?" "Yes." "Where does he live?" "In G Street, No. ."

And that is grief like a covered fire, which smolders in the heart and chars the foundations of life. She ought to be crying, to clear her mind and purge herself of the dregs of sorrow, which would settle and corrode unless flushed out by tears; she ought to get rid of it at once, like any other widow, and settle down to the enjoyment of all the property.

In the crisis of his argument he made a violent gesture, which brought the mass in contact with the stove, which was hot enough to melt India-rubber instantly; upon looking at it a moment after, he perceived that his compound had not melted in the least degree! It had charred as leather chars, but no part of the surface had dissolved. There was not a sticky place upon it.

The candle that gives light wastes inch by inch as it gives it. The very wick of your lamp, that conducts the oil to the flame, chars, and you have to cut it off bit by bit until the longest coil is at length exhausted. We must never forget that, if we would shine, we must burn.

Cloud, and Raunchy, when he used to invite foreign visitors and his ministers, and great personages in general, to join in his excursions, M. Thiers was as much bored as I was at having to go in the carriages and chars a bancs which drove in a long line one behind the other.

Autumn appears to be the usual time for cutting the ice, when it is carried from the cave on men's backs as far as the commencement of the rough mountain-road, and is there packed on chars, and so conveyed to the nearest railway station.

Ten chars would have been sufficient to remove all the ice M. Cadet found, and the air inside the cave seemed to be not colder than the external air; but, nevertheless, M. Cadet believed the old story of the greater abundance of ice in summer than in winter, and he attempted to account for the phenomenon.

"Let! why, the woman who kept it is dead, has been dead these three weeks, and no one can be found to stay there, though Mr. J offered ever so much. He offered mother, who chars for him, one pound a week just to open and shut the windows, and she would not." "Would not! and why?" "The house is haunted; and the old woman who kept it was found dead in her bed, with her eyes wide open.

Dilute acid chars paper when the paper is heated; gives a white precipitate with nitrate or chloride of barium, and is entirely volatilized by heat. Dilute solutions give a white precipitate with barium nitrate, insoluble in hydrochloric acid even on boiling. Fatal Dose. In an adult, 1 drachm. Fatal Period.